I beg you

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"Thank you" He thanked her after she helps him scratch his itchy nose.

"Okay, that was weird" She takes a seat at the end of the bed while her body is facing him.

"I'm curious, why is this room locked and why are you tied up?" She tries to start a conversation eventhough it starts with an odd question.

"I've been trying to escape many times before. That is why..." He finishes by waving his tied hands to her.

"So you're not here because you wanted to?"

"No...." He trails off before looking down. She feels kind of bad asking him eventhough she knows damn well how places like this escort their workers.

"Hello...little girl? You okay in there?" The sound of the door unlocking makes them both turns their head to the door.

Jungkook starts to get panic as he knows that he will get into trouble if he doesn't entertain the customer.

"Shit shit c'mon get on-" His mouth is suddenly covered by her palm to stop him from saying anything. What she does next were unexpected, it makes his eyes goes wide in shock while he look at her in disbelief.

"Mhmm yeahh. Oh f-fuck!" She moans and grunts like she is out of breath which made the door click. It was locked again and they could hear the footsteps getting further away from the door.

She clears her throat when she adjust back to her normal voice. "What?" She asks when she looks at Jungkook's shocked face.

 "What?" She asks when she looks at Jungkook's shocked face

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(A/N: baby jungshook)

"How...why-" He stutters as he is still in shock.

"Look, as long as she buys it then you're good" She tries to calm his panic ass. She knows that she had to help him, or else he would be in trouble.

"Thank you" He thanked her again, but this time with a little smile shown on his face. It was his first genuine smile after a long while.

She didn't say anything and she just return the gesture by smiling back at him. She fish her phone from her pocket when she feels it vibrates which she just received a text from her uncle.

"Well, I better get going" She stands up and heads to the door. 

"Wait!" He calls her and she stops in her track before turning to face him.

"Take me with you" He pleads. His sudden request baffled her as it is a big one and probably an impossible one. He doesn't know why those words escapes his mouth, but what he knows is that he wants to get out of this place and his heart is telling him that maybe...maybe she could help him.

"What now?" She asks to make sure that she wasn't hearing things.

"Please! I beg you. Take me away from here please!" Tears starts to form in his eyes when he could feel his vulnerable side starting to show. When he saw her, he could feel that there is this slight chance for him to be free. He feels that she could be the way for his freedom. He wants to escape from this place.

"Look, I did helped you but-"

"Please I'll do anything!!" He offers her as he desperately wants to leave this place. "I-I'll serve you! You can have me all day you want..just please" Tears starts to flow down from his cheeks. He doesn't want her to leave as if it's like the chance for him to escape will disappear. 

"Woah woah, I'm not the type to-"

"I'd rather be your sex slave than being fucked by all of those people that came here...please" He keeps on begging eventhough he is degrading himself. He doesn't care anymore as he just wants to get out of this place.

"Look, what they did to you is none of my business! I'm not like one of them!" She yells as she feels angry at his statement which kind of addressing her that she should help him so that she could fuck him. That made her regret feeling pity to him earlier.

 That made her regret feeling pity to him earlier

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"Please....please take me away" He wants to hug her feet while begging her to help him, but his hands are still tied.

Her phone rings as someone is calling. She turns the door knob, wanting to leave the room, but she took a last glance at him. She feels pity looking at him crying there, begging her to take him along but she couldn't. She wants to help him, but she couldn't. 

She quickly leaves the room and she could still hear his loud sobs on the other side and followed by a scream of pain. He is in pain. Leaving in this place is a total nightmare.

Brushing off the thoughts from her mind. She quickly walks to the elevator and head down to the lobby where her uncle is waiting. "Where have you been? I've been-"

"Shut up and let's go" She walks pass her uncle and not bothering to wait for him while she just walks straight into the car.

"What's with the face. Eyy did you have fun-"

"Start the car or I'll cut off your dick and shove it up your ass" She glares at him which she had hoped that it would create a hole through his head.

"Okay fine. Sometimes I can't believe that we're related" He sigh while he starts the car before driving away from that place.

Along the ride, she just stare outside the window, looking at the sky that is turning red. She tries to brush off everything that just happened, and she hopes that she will forgets it sooner or later.

 She tries to brush off everything that just happened, and she hopes that she will forgets it sooner or later

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