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It was around 6am, i woke up to the sound of rain coming from outside. It was around early August and we still managed to get rain in the summer, usually hot rain.

I got out of bed and looked at my phone. I clocked into my part time job at around 8:30. I worked at a café since I was a college student and needed to pay fees off.

I was making my bed when my phone started ringing. My boyfriend Seunghun was calling me.

"good morning to you too babe." I answered as I chuckled.

"what? I can't call and see if you're alright?" He asked, I could tell he had just woken up since I heard his morning voice.

"You call me everyday!"

"Well I'm sorry for wanting to check up on you."

I shook my head and sat down on my bed. "Well I have about two hours to spare, why don't you come over?"

"Alright , I'm on my way."

With that the line went dead. I put my phone down and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I got some cereal and poured it into a glass bowl, and then poured some milk in.

I sat down and waited patiently for seunghun to arrive.

After about 10 minutes I heard a knock on the door. I got up excitedly and opened it, thinking it was seunghun.

"Well finally you're-"

I opened my eyes and saw my land lord, standing there with a not - so happy look on her face.

"Oh, good morning ma'am." I said as I cleared my throat.

"Well clearly it isn't a good morning." She said as she handed me a envelope. "Mr.Kim, you do realize that you haven't been paying your rent for the past 3 months right?"

My heart stopped. How could I forget? I mean I get the notice every month, I have just been too caught up in my classes to pay any attention.

"I'm so sorry- I just been forgetting and well, I thought I could make it all up by the end of the half year?"

"well the end of the half year was two months ago yonghee!" she yelled as he stomped. "You have to pay these by the end of the month, or else you will get evicted from this apartment, do you understand?"

"Y-Yes ma'am.."

With that she walked away. I sighed and face palmed. I was just about to close the door when seunghun's hand stopped me.

"And why are you so sad?" He asked as he pouted.

"I haven't been paying my rent for the past 3 months!"

Seunghun frowned and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry. If you want i can help you out. I have some money I've been saving up but I can help you-"

"No please, it's my responsibility and I feel bad for using your money all the time. I mean I can barely pay my own school fees and you've been helping me with that already."

"I don't mind."

"Well I do, I just need to get another part time job and everything should be at least a bit easier."

"Well what about your classes?" Seunghun asked as he ate the bowl of cereal I made for him.

"I have afternoon classes, ranging from 12:30 to about 4:30. If I can get a job that's around 5:00 - 10:00 I should be okay."

"Then you'd be over working yourself."

"Well I have to be able to support myself in some way right?"

Seunghun scoffed at me and got up to give me a hug. "You know I'll help you in any way I can right? There's no need to do all of this and over work yourself."

"Yes babe I know, but you have your own life. I promise that once this year is over we can go through with our plan."

"That I'm gonna be moving in with you and we can start our lives together and soon build a BEAUTIFUL family?"

"Yes, that plan."

"Well we can go around and try to find a job for you once you're done with your shift at the café. You know, since you don't have classes today."

I smiled and gave Seunghun a warm hug. "That's a great plan!"

He gave me a kiss on the head and we pulled away from each other.

"You know what yoon hyunsuk! I quit! This job was a waste of my freaking time." My assistant yelled as he walked out of the room.

"Wait please I'm sorry!" I yelled as I got up from my chair. I groaned and slammed my head on the vanity.

"Oh pleaseeee don't tell me another one left!" My co-star jinyoung asked as he crossed his arms and stared down at me.

"Yep. And he made sure he let me know how he felt."

"Ugh, you're just a kid! Can't people just cut you some slack?"

"Looks like we have to tell the agency that I need a new assistant." I huffed as he ruffled my hair.

Seunghun drove me to the café I worked at since it was still hot raining outside.

Once we got there he let me out of the car and gave me a kiss. "Be sure to call me when your shift is done okay?"

"Okay okay, I'll be sure to mom."


"Well you clearly love acting like my mom, but it's okay. I love a caring boyfriend."

He smiled and I got out of the car, waving goodbye as I saw him drive off.

I walked into the small café I worked at and clocked in. "You're a bit early." I turned around and saw my co-worker byounggon setting up.

"yeah well it is raining so I wanted to come in as soon as possible before the rain got any worse."

He chuckled and I put my apron on and went to the counter to set up as well.

"Hey do you by any chance know any part time jobs around here?" I asked. I know Seunghun was going to take me around town to look for one, but it didn't hurt to ask.

"Actually yeah, I read somewhere online that an actor at C9 needed a replacement assistant of some sort."

"wait , C9?"

"Yeah, that huge acting company. Turns out they pay big too."

"Send me the link please! I need a big paying job and being someone's assistant doesn't seem half bad."

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