Chapter Two

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𝙸𝚏 𝙸'𝚍 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚜𝚑,
𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚍 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛.


      Yoongi lifted his head up from his water and looked at Jimin for some seconds, feeling like his stomach just twisted and his heart got shot one thousand times straight. He gulped and shook his head, getting rid of the thoughts that were invading his mind and looking somewhere else.

–I don't know, did you?

–Well, if you did that doesn't mean I chose to forget you. I mean chose because, honestly, Yoongi, I don't think I can ever forget my first love. You may have, but you will always have a special place in my heart.

      He placed the tea cup in the sink and stood like that for a second, taking some deep breath while closing his eyes and then opening them again, cracking his neck and turningfinally around to face the reason of his past sadness.

–The question is: Did you wanted to or you just forgot me as day passed?

      Yoongi stood silent in his seat, gulping once again. He wasn't able to look at Jimin. He knew that if he was looking at his face and see his hurt expression he would just lose it all. He couldn't do it. He felt weak.

–I chose to.

      That was enough to make a deep wound in his heart. He nodded.

–Isn't your boyfriend going yo worry about you? I forgot his name, I apologize.

       But little did Yoongi knew that Jimin knew everything about his boyfriend, being in the same class as him and knowing everything from his friends that kept talking about him.

–Hoseok, right. We broke up.

–Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't meant to..

–It's fine.

      Jimin nodded and took a deep breath. He felt like a grenade; having a mental breakdown any second. He didn't wanted to seem weak, like he wasn't over Yoongi. He wanted to look strong yet his tears forming in his eyes weren't helping.

      Yoongi saw in what state was the boy so he just stood up and came to him, carefully placing his arms around the younger's small body in a warm hug. He let the younger place his hands around his neck and cry on his shoulder while patting his back, whispering sweet things.

–I missed you. A lot.

      That only made Jimin cry even more, making the older gulp.

–I'm sorry.. for everything. I am a jerk, I know. I shouldn't have done that. I really regret it.

     Jimin nodded and slowly pulled away.

–I'm sorry, I didn't meant to make your tee wet..

     Yoongi looked at him for some seconds and hugged him again.

–Are you kidding me? Cry on my shoulder, let me comfort you. I don't care about my shirt.

      And he cried, and cried, until Yoongi had calmed him down and everything became better. The hot tears running down his cheeks were wiped away by Yoongi's thumbs, they became smiles and then laughs. They spent the night like that, until three in the morning when Yoongi left the dorm and Jimin was in his bed, under his covers, biting his lower lip trying so hard not to smile.

       Yoongi was back.

       Yoongi is back.

      He woke up after three hours of sleep, Felt like he was about to fall asleep any minute in the bathroom while getting ready so he chose to take a quick cold shower and then go to the class. He was getting better and his roommate was still sleeping.


     Taehyung murmured in response, spinning to the other side where sun couldn't hit his face.

–You have class in two hours. The breakfast is in kitchen, drink some water, okay?

      Taehyung nodded and Jimin just pressed his lips together and left the dorm. He was more than exhausted so he went and bought coffee, got downstairs only to be met by Yoongi who was scrolling down his phone.

–Someone said they don't have class in the morning.

      Jimin came smiling and handed him one of his coffee cardboard cups. Yoongi lifted his head and stuffed his phone in his front pocket, taking the coffee from Jimin's small hand.

–Yeah, but you have morning class aswell.

–That's also true. I should be going if I don't want to be late. Good luck!

      Yoongi nodded and watched how the boy just became smaller until Yoongi frowned.

–Park Jimin!

–Yeah? Jimin said turning around.

–You are going in the wrong way!

      Jimin looked around and widened his eyes, showing Yoongi a thumbs up and going on the opposite direction, jogging until he was infront of the building. Yoongi laughed shaking his head and took a sip of his coffee.

–Ah, this boy..

      Both of them couldn't concentrate in class, their eyelids were closing alone, making them squeeze their eyes and try their best to concentrate. Jimin was trying so hard to dance and not fall asleep but after a while he Felt the rhythm and started dancing better, his mind wasn't off Yoongi though, he kept thinking about the male. Yoongi was in the same situation, randomly smiling at his notebook until NamJoon came and patted his back twice.

–Why are you smiling about?

–None of your business.

–Are you back together with Hoseok?


      Yoongi pressed his lips together and looked at NamJoon who was more than confused.

–We will talk about it later, at my dorm. Is that alright?

–Yeah, whenever you feel like talking. Don't rush yourself. NamJoon said nodding his head.

      The classes passed hardly and it was finally the time to lead home. Taehyung came and waited for Jimin until his class finished so they Could go home together. He was talking about something that Jimin didn't really pay attention at all, still thinking about Yoongi and how he thinks that the boy will dissapear from his life after a while.

      Then he saw him. Same way as in the morning, scrolling on his phone, his back facing him.

      He finally noticed him and put his phone in his pocket, showing a small smile, handing a paper bag towards Jimin.

–And then she said 'How can someone like you lose your own shoe?', can you believe her, Jiminie? All I did was walk! Oh, hi, Yoongi-hyung! Did you came to walk me home? I'm going with..

      Jimin took the bag and looked inside of it, taking out a pink strawberry macaron and putting it in Yoongi's mouth, who, for his surprise, opened his mouth.

–It seems like you already know each other.. more than I thought.

      Jimin turned to him and ate a chocolate one, melting in the sweet taste.

–We're friends.

–We are? Jimin said lifting his head and raising one of his eyebrows.

–See? Not even he believes you two are just friends.

–Whatever. Yoongi rolled his eyes.

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