Chapter Thirteen

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‎נυѕт тнιикιиg αвσυт уσυ мαкєѕ мє нαρρу. ιмαgιиє ωнαт ι fєєℓ ωнєи ι ѕєє уσυ.

      Jimin was sitting in a turkish position with his hands on his chubby cheeks, biting his lower lip harshly. He shook his head slowly making some hair move away, looking trough it.

      Yoongi's eyes were moving up and down reading the old and now ripped and glued paper that looked so small in his big pale hands.

      Jimin let out a breath that he didn't knew he was holding and a small smile appeared on Yoongi's face while he tilted his head and looked cutely at the other male. His fingers went to his chin and then moved some hair away from his eyes as he pressed a soft kiss on his nose, making Jimin squeeze his eyes together trying not to blush.

–Don't cover your eyes, baby. You know I love them.

      Jimin only looked down and nodded while Yoongi went back to the contract, finally turning it over and seeing the rest of it. He furrowed his eyebrows and then he pressed his lips together, nodding and letting a sigh out.

     He looked at Jimin who was staring at him, absorbing every little feature he got and every little sparkle that appeared in his dark colored eyes.

     Yoongi suddenly opened his arms and Jimin instantly got up and hugged him.

–I'm sorry.. I was an asshole.

      Jimin let out a cute laugh.

–You were.

      Yoongi smiled and pressed a kiss on too of his head.

–Want me to treat you with ice cream?

–Ice cream? Obviously!

     Jimin said while sparkles kept adding in his dark colored eyes. The older smiled and nodded, patting the other like he was a tiny good doggy.

      Jimin rolled his eyes and jumped on his feet.

–Let's go! I know a nice place!

–You do? Yoongi raised one of his eyebrows.

      Jimin nodded cutely while taking his hand in his hands, dragging him up.

     Yoongi didn't complain, he accually loved the way the younger's happiness must have been everyone's happiness. He drove them there and it was accually a small building in pale colors; mostly yellow, with like three or four workers that welcomed them with a big smile.

       Jimin glued himself on the glass that protected and could show the customers the icecreams flavours while the cashier just laughed ar him.

–You haven't been here for a while already, Jiminie.

     The younger just rolled his eyes.

–I've been busy with college, I'm sorry. Could I have one bowl of watermelon and one of chocolate chip?

      The male nodded and then looked at Yoongi who just shrugged.

–The bestseller.

     They chose a cute table in the corner of the place where they could talk in silence and no one could hear them. Jimin's excitement was written all over his face until Yoongi placed his hand on top of his. He had his chin placed in the other hand and looked at Jimin with a cute small smile.

     Jimin looked at their hands and bit his lower lip trying to hide his smile as his cheeks were heating up.

     Yoongi ended up with a chocolate bowl and salted caramel which tasted delicious. Beside eating, he looked at how excited and happy Jimin got over ice cream, enjoying his.

–Hyung, you have to taste this one!

      He lifted the spoon infront of Yoongi's mouth who looked at him with one eyebrow raised. He didn't said anything but Jimin's puppy eyes made him open his mouth and for his surprise, it was really good. Too sweet for his taste but perfect for Jimin. He closed his eyes and prended like he just tasted a piece of heaven which made Jimjn even happier than before.

     And Yoongi thought then that he would buy him all the ice cream from this world just to see him this happy. So excited over anything.

     He was very hard working and he would mostly overwork himself, overthink and make himself sad but when he was in this state of happiness it made Yoongi's chest warm. He smiled just because Jimin was happy.

–So, what do you think?

     They were walking beside each other, holding hands and interweaved fingers, just because Jimin wanted to take a small walk in the park before leading to the dorms.

–I think that we should have another date.

     Jimin looked at him and then away trying to hide his blush.

–This was a date?

–Wasn't it?

–..I guess so.

       Yoongi pinched his cheek and melted at the younger's cuteness and shiness.

–I enjoyed it. I like your presence and the ice cream was amazing.

–I'm so happy to hear that! he said as his face lighted up. I thought you were going to say it's too cliche or that it was just fine.

–I would just stay with you and not talk and it would be a great date just because you're there.

       Jimin punched his arm playfully before letting out a giggle.

–Stop it! You're making me blush..

–You're cute when you're blushing.

–Ahhh! I'm going to explode!

       Jimin said that as he hid his face in Yoongi's arm.

–I'm sorry for being such a jerk. I guess I was thinking only about myself and forgot what an important place you had in my life.

     Jimin looked at Yoongi with sparkles in his eyes and sighed.

–That is from the past, Yoongs. We gotta appreciate what we are living right now.

–I know. You're right. You've always been. But I can't live with the fact that I hurt you that mad so many times.

      Jimin stopped walking making the older stop too and went infront of Yoongi, cupping his face as he looked sweetly at him.

–You make me happy, Yoongi.

      Yoongi smiled and got closer to Jimin who did the same, glueing his forehead to the other male's.

–You make me really happy, Jimin.

      Jimin smiled shyly as Yoongi kissed him gently. He didn't tried to deepen the kiss, he just wanted to keep it soft and gentle at the start. Just showing him how much he meant to him.

–I.. really like you.

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