Chapt 18: fight hard

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Adonis p.o.v

I sit on the hood of the car as I looked down. Rocky comes "is this about Bria?" He asks I nodded slowly "she fucking lied to my unc, she never told me about her disorder, for all these years we've been best friends and she never told me about that," I said "did you know the reason why?" he asks I shook my head "she doesn't even know," I said "you ever think because she's scared, something like that is hard to tell someone you love," he says "no not really," I said sighing "it's hard for her adonis, just don't be hard on her, it's worse for her just be there," he says I nodded "thanks uncle," I said I soon went over to her mother's home.

Bria's Mother home

I sit down "so um, has Bria had a seizure?" I ask "not in years,  that's a good thing so she wouldn't have to worry about not boxing," I nodded "but if it just so happens that se does just let it go through, make sure to comfort her, tell her she's alright, rub her head that will help her a little," she explains "thx, oh hey Cameron," I said "is my sister okay?" he asks I nodded "she is just a little sad, you want to go see her?" he nods I get up "you mind if I take him?" I ask she nodded "oh yes he needs to get out of the house," I laughed "oo can I sleepover?" I chuckle "yes you can," he ran so fast upstairs "well, I never seen him run that fast," she chuckled "that's Cameron," she says soon Cameron came down with his bag then we leave.

We walk in as I lay the food down, one of the twins were crying Cameron ran in "ill get him," he says he went into the room I go to the room to see Cameron picking up a crying Dakota, "he's probably hungry," I said I went to the fridge and got out his bottle, soon warm it up I take him and check to see he's hungry, he is cuz he started sucking on my knuckle "alright come on in the room," we go to the bedroom, he sits on the chair put Dakota on his lap "hold him tight and make sure he doesn't spill it," I said I look at Bria who was acting weird, she starts kicking her legs weirdly, "Bria," I called she didn't respond I went to her "hey hey baby," I said she grunted then her eye twitches she struggles as she made weird noises.

She was having a seizure. her mouth made a granny face as it was twitching she started shaking seizure like, I got scared as I rubbed her head "its okay baby, you're alright," I said she making whining noises "you're okay Bria,"I rub her head she soon started to calm down "Bria, you're okay?" I ask she looks around "adonis, he's done,"Cameron said I go over and take him as I go back to the nursery and grab the burping blanket to put under him just incase he pukes. I burp in then come back tot he room. "you're alright?" I ask Bria "ye-yea," she stuttered now she's probably getting back to her normal state. I lay Dakota next to her then go get delanie. she's awake now "you're awake princess, you're pretty silent to be awake," I chuckle and kissed her head.

"Adonis" she mumbles "yes baby," I sit next to her "are you mad at me?" She asks "I was a little, but, I was sad, you didn't tell me about your disorder," I said she sighed "it hasn't been triggered in years so that's why I didn't tell you," she says I nodded then kissed her head "hey big sis," she looked over "when did you get here?" She asked I chuckled "a few minutes ago," he said I give the twins a kiss I then kiss bria deeply.

Next week

It was about time for my fight with precious as I jump up in hype, Rocky comes in "Alright they're ready for you, you got this, don't let her get to you, keep your focus, don't show your pain that let's her know your weakness," he said I nodded I take deep breathes and walk out the locker room. "Ladies and gentlemen introducing lil baby!" The crowd cheered loud press played as the lights begin to flash, I take deep breaths "you got this, you got this," I said to myself as I be confident, I walk in as they cheered.

Adonis looks at me with confidence. I walkin as I looked at her with a mean glare she smirked. "No time no see, you should've just stayed a house wife," she teased it didn't phase me at all "I think your father would want that," she said I smirked and laughed "you're funny, just like them fake ass boobs you got, at least I'm not a plastic bitch," she glared at me "what? You're so pressed that you can't get what you want, or you're just mad that your so called father made you a wrestler so you can beat me," I sassed the crowd ooed as I forgot to mention that we had a mic.

"You let your father control your life like you don't even fucking care, you speak about my father who wouldn't do the same to me, I became a fucking wrestler to finish off his legacy, I did for him because I love him, either way I was still going to be a wrestler cuz it runs in my blood," I said fiercely the crowd cheered I took off my jacket then throw it out the ring. She rolled her eyes I cracked my knuckles, "alright clean and fair fight you two, no cheating, go to your corners," he said we went to the corner "wow lol baby is ready to finally go against precious, she has all the confidence she needs her family is here, her husband as well as rocky," the commentator says.

The bell rang and she instantly ran to me I quickly dodge as she hit the pole, I grab her hair then pull it down as I kicked her leg, she fell down as the crowd cheered, was about to kick her but she got up and knees me in the stomach I flinched but didn't show the pain as she punched me in the face sending me back as i go back she grabbed me then slammed me down, I groan in pain as she lifted my leg as the referee counted I kicked in her face knocking her back a so rebel, I get up and grab her hair pulling her the crowd cheered "oh do I think what she's about to do, her father did this before," I punch her in the face she stood there I looked as I began to kick her the crowd shouted, each time I kicked they shouted, I punched her in the face as she went down.

I lifted her leg"come on bria!" Adonis yelled she rebelled I got up quick she rubs to me as she tried to hit me but I block her, she hit me then swinged me into the ropes as I came back she kicked me down I yelped, she turned me and started slamming head to mat and it hurts as I could feel it's broken, she lifted my leg I rebelled but she tried to hold me down to not I turn myself then grabbed her neck choking her, she let go I then punch her I get up as blood came from my nose, she got up "bitch!" She spat "fake bitch," I spat back she came to me grabbing my hair as she punches me in my face.

She lifted me up then slammed me down making me hit my neck, I struggled, as I coughed up blood the referee pushed her back as tend to me "hey hey," he said I look a him I get up then looked at precious with a glare she came to me a knocked me down I she ended up lifting my leg up I look at Adonis rocky weakly as things were blurry "come on bria! You got this!" Adonis yells I soon gain energy as I rebelled then got up, I kicked her down she got up wobbly I picked her up and slam her down she yelled and squinted in pain, she got up then punched my in the ribs hands I yelled in pain, soon I blocked then punched back I grabbed her head pulling it down I hold her neck "uh oh she's about to breaker famous move," I lifted her up slamming her hard on her back she was in pain as I had very bad pain but ignored I quickly lifted her leg and holded it tight "10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1" bell rings and I stood there crying in excitement "bria! Bria! Bria!"they yelled I get up slowly as they put the same belt that my dad had when he won world champion "introducing the new heavy weight wrestling champion, Bria Cookson!" The referee lifted my hand I hold my ribs as I look to my family who was shouting in happiness soon everything went black quick.


I ran into the ring as I lifted her head up "brow baby," I called out no response "someone get help!" I yelled as the medics came in and took her.

To be continued...

A/an: sorry this is short but don't worry 😉

Is bria going to be okay?

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