Chapter 20

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Taehyung's POV

As soon as I heard Yoongi turn his bike around I decided to finally open my front door, inhaling a deep breath before entering.

I noticed that no noise was coming from anywhere in the house, the house was completely silent...why?

I got a sick feeling in my stomach as I creepily tip toed through my own place of living, geez I feel like I'm trying to rob this place or something. I decided to swallow down my gut wrenching feelings that always entered me when I walked inside this place. I hate it here.

I looked inside my dad's room, relief flooding my upset stomach witnessing it empty. Thank goodness he's not home. Walking towards my room I decide to give one look inside the basement first, hoping none of his friends decided to spend the night.

Looking down the only thing I noticed was the place was a mess. It reeked of alcohol, I've always hated the smell of alcohol. When I'm older I won't be drinking at all, I can assure myself that.

Walking inside my room, I fling my backpack on my bed and decide to unblock my window, opening it right up. I took a quick shower, dressing in rough clothes for outdoor activities and headed out. Gotta visit my angels to fulfill my promise. They probably thought I forgot because I'd usually head straight to our meeting place after school. Poor angels, I'm on my way.


"Tae Hyung! You're here, finally! We thought something bad happened to you yesterday, we were about to go call our parents!" The little girl with a ponytail today said.

"Sorry Minnie, I really didn't mean to worry you guys, but I'm here and well, like promised!" I say, spreading my arms with a big smile for the little guys to do their daily tackle on me.

That they did, each one jumped right into my arms laughing, toppling me over from the third largest jump from Minnie. These guys, I truly would've gone insane with my thoughts without them. They were the ones that brought me happiness in my darkest times. That's something I would never replace or take for granted. They are there for me while I'm there for them. They're truly my little angels.

Now that I think about it, I've never met their parents but I've heard they're wonderful, at least that's what these angels always tell me. I believe it though, they'd never lie to me.

"Alright...alright, I love you guys too!" I say, my laughter calming down. They snuggled into my chest and sides as I breathed harshly, they really know how to rattle me.

"Hyung, you smell kind of different today. Kind of like strawberries, did you eat strawberries today?" The youngest, Felix said. He's always had a good sense of smell but I never expected for Yoongi's scent to linger on me...that's kind of embarrassing, yet nice.

"No, I just hugged a friend today, that's all," I answer, telling the truth yet not the whole truth. Yoongi did cuddle me this morning but I think it's my hugging from behind his bike that led this scent on me.

"Oooh! A friend! Can we meet him!! You've never mentioned a friend before!" Minnie says, lifting her head up with a giant smile. Gosh those eyes oozed excitement, can't disappoint them.

"I'll have to ask him but sure. If he says yes though."

"Yay!! We get to meet one of your friends!!" Minnie shouted, getting up and proceeded to jump up and down from excitement. I smiled, laughing from her reaction.

Feeling the loss of weight from the other two, I decide to get up as well.

"Minnie! It's also a boy, isn't that great! A new person to play ball with us and talk with!" Felix screams in excitement, giving off his best smile.

"Wait a boy!" Minnie whines, her jumping stopping abruptly.

"Yes, he's a boy Minnie-"

I was about to say more but the oldest, Woojin, spoke up first.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he will be just as fun as Hyung here. In fact, I think you guys will love each other at first greeting, he also might have some friends who are girls for you," Woojin says confidently, placing his hand on his younger sisters head, patting it down a bit.

I smiled after Minnie's cute pout turned into a huge smile, turning around and hugging her brother tightly. Gosh, such cuties they are! I'm sure Yoongi would love them but I'm not sure about his thoughts on children, hopefully he won't mind? I hope he doesn't make fun of me for having children as friends rather than people our age or older, I just feel more comfortable this way. Please don't mind.

"Hyung, lets play!" Felix shouts, bringing a ball over to them.

"Okay, come on!" I scream, proceeding to run off and play with these little guys.

3 hours later

"Bye Hyung! We love you! Goodnight!" Woojin shouts, carrying her younger sister who fell asleep and Felix beside his carrying his ball. It was pretty late now.

"Love you guys too, goodnight!" I answer, turning around and heading back towards my place, unfortunately. Maybe I should come up with a lie and sleep at Yoongi's house again, but then he'd continue to ask questions about it. No! I'll just go straight to the roof and that would be final.

Arriving home I notice the lights on and the feeling in my stomach sky rockets, especially since the light was in the kitchen. Great.

Looking at the driveway, I don't see any more cars other than my dad's. Good, one less problem to worry about.

I stop in front of the door, my hands shaking from the intense sweat that I'm sure I'm reeking of by now. Great, I haven't even stepped inside and I'm already afraid. Don't be scared...don't be scared, he's only human. I repeat to myself, though its not making me feel better.

I want to throw up but I need to go inside. Huff huff huff huff...why is my breathing so loud!!??

Okay, take a deep breath...another open!

I open the door, heart stopping as I came face to face with my nightmare...but sadly this wasn't a dream.

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