Chapter 26

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Taehyung's POV

Walking into Jin's home earlier was anything but terrifying. The man was really nice and warming, his home especially was nicely neat and welcoming. It's not Yoongi's place with the annoying yet unforgettable ticking clock but...this could be home for now. Home. I hope I can call this place that.

I can't believe that soon Jin will become solely my caretaker. At least until I'm eighteen, it's still awhile away though. It's gotten pretty late but Jin said he'd be home by 10 or so. I wonder if Yoongi stays up this late to work too? I can't imagine doing it, especially with school on my back. I'm grateful Yoongi brought me notes, it truly helped because of the subjects we learn nowadays.

Humming to myself I decide to get up from the couch I was watching T.V on and search Jin's cabinets for food. I'm really hungry.

Deciding on making just a bowl of ramen I sit down and enjoy my meal, alone yes, but better than being afraid and not having a meal. Ever since I left my hell hole I haven't given my so called dad a thought. I'm glad I don't have to worry about him anymore, he's finally gone and I can finally live my life fear free.




I open my eyes a bit and spot a tall figure by the door entering. Blinking my eyes I realize the figure was actually two, Yoongi and Jin. Striking my body up from laying down earlier after my meal, I try to wake myself up enough to greet them properly.

"Welcome back Jin Hyung. Hello Suga Hyung!"

I jump off the couch and rush over to the two groggy guys, yep they're definitely tired. I hug both of them tightly, I feel them stiffen for a bit before I feel each of their arms linking around me. Even though they were outside they still felt really warm...I could actually fall back asleep standing here in their embrace.

"Hey Taehyungie~ Are you feeling better? I was worried so I came by to quickly check on you."

I nod my head furiously to Yoongi's question, feeling familiar butterflies in my stomach. It's really weird but I like it, it makes me smile brighter.

I feel both of their arms leave my side and lifting my head to finally face them, I now notice a brown box on the floor beside Yoongi's feet. What's that?

"Hyung what's the box for?"

Yoongi just smiles as he bent down to grab the medium box from the ground and placing them in my hands instead. Confused, I just tilt my head to the side, eyebrows furrowed.

I must've looked weird because soon after Yoongi started laughing as he pointed at the box saying, "Open it. It's for you, from your angels."

My face lit up from the word angels and the thought that Yoongi actually managed to find them and meet them caused a spark to ignite within me. My angels met my very dear friend, a friend that makes me want to be near him 24/7. Smiling, I open the box that my angels apparently got me, I knew they'd be worried but I didn't think they'd get me sweet~

I notice something pink inside and take out the soft item. It was long but I noticed the familiar animal head... a pig. It's cute but something I'm sure Minnie picked out. I'm so grateful for those angels. I place the cute animal hat on and smile brightly, caressing the soft fabric.

I suddenly feel a large hand ruffle my head and I look up, forgetting Yoongi was in front of me noticing my reactions. He was smiling as he laughed a bit saying, "Glad you like it. I'll make sure too let your angels know, and to let them know you wont be available for about a week."

I nod my head saying a silent thank you as I try to hide what I know is a brightly crimson face.

"Yoongi, you need to head home now, your brother will be worried again."

Yoongi looked towards Jin who spoke to him, I saw him nod his head in agreement as he turned around making eye contact with me before opening the door behind him back open again.

Looking down, I wondered why he didn't say anything until I felt a small piece of paper underneath the box. Hearing the door shut and Jin murmuring something, I took off the attached paper, unfolding it to read it.

Smiling, I quickly dash past Jin yelling goodnight to him as I sprinted towards his spare room that might as well be called my room now. Slamming the door shut I jump onto the bed and sigh heavily, feeling my heart thumping, I hope it was from the running but some part of me doubts it.

Can't wait to see you tomorrow Taehyungie~
Let's walk home together, you can spend the night again. My brother really likes you so I'd love to have you over, I like talking to you. Goodnight.

Also, call me a coward but I think I'm starting to feel a bit shy around you when Jin is near, why is that?
-Suga (:


Hi, sorry I haven't been updating lately, its gotten busy. No worries though things have calmed for once so I'll get updates coming more often now, not sure for how long but hopefully more than now. Thank you for those who have been reading this book so far, I really am appreciative. Anyways, have a good day everyone! (:

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