Subaqueous Treasure (Episode 10)

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Clyde Residence, January 31, 2001, First Wizarding War

The camera opens up in the clouds in an expeditious speed. As it lowers, a wizard with a long silvery beard and robes whooshes past on a broomstick, whilst being chased by a helmeted witch. He lowered down on to a street where many more magical peoples conjured spells at each other. Quickly, the wizard with the silvery beard hopped off of the broomstick, standing before two witches sending spells at each other; the spells hitting their chests. He glanced around quickly, not caring to notice the amount of magicals lying dead on the floor or the two witches who had now casted shields to prevent the outburst of blue sparks flying out of the hand of a nearby elf. Glancing around, he had now taken to a run to the lining of houses on the side of the street. A pink haired woman hiding behind a fallen oak tree smiled up at the man before saying with a very rushed voice:

Woman: Hello... Abduleno. Have you seen Eloise anywhere? or the Clydes?

The silvery bearded man spoke with a very relaxed and hushed voice:

Abduleno: They're hiding in their residence. I must tell them... he's on his way, Torrimolina.

Her expression dropped as she gathered herself together and straightened up.

Torrimolina Eaversbee: As the last remaining Eaversbee, I won't let him get to them. I will do whatever I can... i'll get the Swanwaters' and Elmarettos'. He can't take them as well...

Torrimolina looked over the huge trunk and moments later pressed onto the huge bloodbath in front of her. It wasn't long until her pink hair was barely visible between the mass of spells. In contrast, Abduleno moved forward to where no spell was being casted. The house in front of him was gated by a small metal fence and had no front garden. It remained completely blank and no light was spilling out of it. Several times did the curtains twitch as a head peered outside. Disgustingly, the bricks protecting the house looked very worn and almost as if it were on the verge of collapsing. Cautiously, Abduleno pressed on forwards whilst completely ignoring the ongoing battle and moved into the small house. Though as small as the door was, with a single touch did it swing open to reveal a darkly lit household. The bottom most floor contained tables and chairs that were broken into small fragments and the other remaining objects that were either burned or seriously damaged. In the middle of the floor, was a fallen chandelier that had taken some of the stairs with it. The steps leading upwards were creaky but loud enough to make the mice hiding in holes underneath them to leap out. Booms of spells from outside could be heard distinctly within the house, but could still be detectable of what it was. Faintly, some screams are heard in a hardly audible screech. Meanwhile, some whispers could be heard coming from upstairs.

Woman: We have to leave, Henrie. If we stay here any longer he will come.

Henrie: So, what then? We're on the run while we have to look after two girls? Cadenza, I thought you were smarter than that. We have to stand up to him.

Cadenza: Well, if we stand up then we're going to-

Henrie: Don't say it.

Henrie's heavy footsteps leaped across the room and came to a hault. It was - although not seen - apparent that they were embracing each other into a hug. One or the other started crying as their burst of outcry could be heard even from the bottom of the stairs. This time, a rather fragile voice spoke:

Voice: Mother... father... what is happening?

Cadenza: Charlotte honey, nothing is to worry. Make sure to pack Jasmine and your suitcases okay, honey?

Abduleno had now made his way to the top of the stairs. The crooked hallway was decorated with shattered picture frames missing their inhabitants. Disgustingly, the walls and ceilings were covered in the same black mold as was seen in St. Alastair's Hotel and Resort for Magical Peoples' walls. Similarly, the floor matched the same disgust level as the walls and ceilings as the floor also showed dirt and many holes poking from the carpet, to where it showed the weak, wooden floorboard. Charlotte's silent footsteps echoed away from the room that contained Cadenza and Henrie and presumably into an attached room ahead. Abduleno had now stopped abruptly in front of the door in which the two stood in and swung it open with brute force. Unmistakably, the door hit the wall and became slightly unhinged. Cadenza and Henrie both remained close together, heads in each other's shoulders; their foreheads touching and their hands grasped into each other. Cadenza wore her hair with a pale pink bow separating her bushy, curly hair from her head along with a matching pink dress. Henrie, on the other hand, wore a proud amount of hairspray and had clearly combed it; he wore respectable clothing to his death day. Abduleno's voice broke them apart:

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