5- just pretend

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idk about you but i love listening to music while reading fan fics so i added music. You can click on it if u want to listen while reading<3 love u xx

- morning boy- , joyce said to wake them up.
She knew something was going on, but she didn't excpect to see them kissing.
- h-hi, Mrs Byers, mike said, a little embarassed joyce had to see this.
- morning mom ! Mike, let's go and eat breakfast.
Mike was surprised will wasnt uncomfortable at all. He acted normal. Mike was happy about it.

But then, they had to go to School, were they'd have to pretend nothing was going on because of their friends. Nevertheless, Will decided he'd talk to El about his feelings for mike today.
When mike and will arrived, their friends were surprised to see them together. They all said hi, and will asked eleven if he could talk to her privately. She said yes.
- what's wrong, will? If you want to talk about the fact that mike broke up with my i don't..
She started tearing up.
- eleven, it's okay.
He hugged her.
- yeah... so, tell me.
- well it's about mike. I just wanted to tell you... i have feelings for him.
- yea, you guys are best friends. That makes sense!
- no.. i mean, like what you felt towards him.
- but... mike is a guy?
- eleven...
- oh...
- im sorry will.
- what do you mean?
- well... mike isn't gay.
- uh,, yea..yea i know. I have no chance...
Will and El joined their friends to go to their classes. Mike and will sat next to each other. They touched hands. That was the only thing they could do, since they didnt want anyone to see them.

After class, will told mike what eleven said earlier. So mike decided he would come out to them at lunch. The boyfriends would tell the truth later.
After two classes, the bell rang and the besties met up at the cafeteria to eat together.
Mike took a deep breath.
- guys, i... i really need to tell you about something.
They all became silent and looked at mike.
- you know, i dated el, and i loved her.
she started crying.
- but... i think i also like boys.
- HUH?! they all said together, except for will, who started looking down, and then looked at eleven. She smiled at him. She was happy will had chances.
Everyone was in shock, but max didn't want it to be too awkward for mike, so she broke the silence.
- so huh... how did you realise that ? max asked.
- well..

He looked at will with the can-i-tell-them look (yes this look doesnt exist BUT you get it😂). He nodded to tell mike he could tell them.
- i might be in love with a boy.
Everyone leaned in as to show him they wanted to know who.
I mean, i am. I totally am.
- ...who is he? Dustin asked, shyly.
- i am in love with...
They stared at him, to show him they were impatient.
- will.
- will...BYERS? Lucas asked, shocked.
- yes, me. Will said.
He took mike's hand.
Eleven started crying.
- i am happy for you guys, el said. I really am. I just need to digest the information.
- we all are, right? Max said.
-yea.. yea yea, of course, lucas and dustin said.

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