The Beginning of The End

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"I WANT THOSE DRONES AND JETS DEPLOYED NOW!" The Russian minister of defense yells through a phone to the general of the military. A "Yes Sir!" Comes through as he hangs up and opens his laptop. Satellite imaging trying to get a picture and direct drone feed playing.

Meanwhile: United Nations HQ, New York, USA
"This morning in Russia at approximately 3:40 AM about 100 miles off from Moscow, a huge surge of energy triggered alarms all over the world accompanied by this screech" Vitaly Churkin (the UN rep for Russia in 2012) started as he played the ear-shattering screech. "At first we thought a nuclear bomb had gone off but as we checked the energy readings it was at least bigger by a factor of 10, so we quickly scrambled fighter jets and drones to scope the situation." He continued as he brought up the live drone feed.

The UN member looked on curiously as the drone pilot said they were approaching the source. Then it came into view, it was blurry but it was unlike anything they had ever seen. It was a giant, almost humanoid figure with long arms but no hands, or legs, and it was faceless. The drone pilot went in for a closer look but suddenly a blue glow emitted from the ground and a web-like pattern spread in the drone's direction making it freeze and crash. It then switched to the fighter jet feed which showed them closing in, but suddenly it raised its arms and aimed at the jets. Hundreds if not thousands of what seemed to be blades shot out of holes where hands were supposed to be. One jet got hit and immediately exploded while the other managed to slightly dodge and fire everything it had at it. Missiles and bullets all made direct hits but when the smoke cleared it stood there fine, with just a few scratches. It then turned its upper body and fired using both of its arms. Then the feed was cut. All the UN members stared in shock, Russia may not be the most advanced country but its missiles were nothing to sneeze at. Churkin then picked up his phone and started to talk with the minister of defense.

"My country has decided to send in a squad for about 20 aircraft equipped with many salvos of missiles to try to eradicate the threat since contact has been unsuccessful," Churkin announced as everyone had differing opinions but agreed anyway since no communication got through and it had proved dangerous. They watched in anticipation as the video pulled up once again.

"ETA 20 minutes" Churkin announced, once again they waited, and when they saw it again. The fighter jets fired as soon as they had locked on but it deployed that web of energy and most of the missiles stopped and fell to the ground. Some did make it through but again, not much damage. They kept firing and firing until they exhausted their supply. What remained shocked everyone, even more, it was damaged yet still not down.

"So what should we do about this "monster", we shouldn't inform the public just yet" Susan Rice (UN rep for America in 2012) recommended, and most agreed. They had to find some weakness in this thing or the whole world would be thrown into a depression. Unsurprisingly/Surprisingly Russia recommended nuclear weapons. Which was immediately shot down by a lot of countries. China then recommended a collaboration of the world's scientists to design a missile or weapon to combat this new threat. Most agreed on that but everyone was untrusting of everyone since relations weren't exactly the best at this moment. Others came up with some possible ideas such as; monitoring and collecting data on it. By the end of the 3-hour long discussion, the UN had unanimously approved the building of a lab in Switzerland for the best scientific minds.

The next day at 3:42 AM GMT+3 at the same location where the otherworldly being was located surveillance picked rising energy levels, the UN convened an emergency digital meeting, just after it started the being exploded sending shockwaves through Moscow and surprising everyone. The explosion had taken down most of a mountain and left a steaming crater in its wake, which was 3 times bigger than the Hiroshima bomb. This brought up a plethora of questions and they decided to hurry up the building. They also decided to have search teams ready to recover any remains. They found parts of a crystalline sphere, the missiles that didn't make contact, and some of its tissue/flesh. These were stored in a top-secret vault until the construction of the lab was finished, by February 2013 the lab was completed and everything moved in. The scientists immediately got to testing and collecting data about the material gained but since there was such a small amount each group was given only a small piece to work with. Japan, being the tech giants they are, quickly pulled ahead in the research discovering that the crystal was like a bundled core of energy and that was what had exploded. They had also discovered that the core still had retained some energy and this could be used to power a lot of things.

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