Pain and Havoc

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After the monster left the academy it proceeded to wreak havoc all over Japan and after it was done with Japan it got into China but then after a short while it dived into the ocean.

"Am I inside my mind?" he asked no one in particular as he looked around at the blank space 

"Nani!?" Black encroached everything before he was forced to face off against multiples of himself.

"Ha, I'm the strongest. No one will stop me!"

"Shut up and do your job."


He realized that this was what people thought about him, or rather what he had come off as. He couldn't use any of his abilities and was just forced to fight hand to hand. That didn't go so well, he was punched multiple times in the gut and then tossed over one of their shoulders into the ground before being hurled up into the air and getting kicked around. Once he was down black cloth started to restrain him. This was the worst beating he had gotten since years ago.

"Ah. I guess I lost. It feels as bad as I remember it. Damn, I qouldve liked to live a little longer" He reminisced as he felt a cold spread throughout his body as the cloth wrapped around him. 

Then suddenly his body shone with a bright light as he was lifted up by many hands. 

"You cannot give up now mi amigo" He turned around to come face to face with many historical figures including the "Hero of the 8th Clash: Adalia Silva"  and Maria Lancelot. Among this giant crowd that looked like an army were: George Washinton, Jeanne d'Arc, Oda Nobunaga, Mahatma Gandhi, Alexander The Great, Quetzalcoatl, Sigfried, Julius Caesar, Ushiwakamaru. Among many other great Historical people who fought for a variety of things.

"We are counting on you to make this work! You better conquer them all!" (Alexander)

"You must fight oppression like I once did for my country,  fight to keep your freedom!" (Washington) 

"Unify the people, fight all as one. Then you may win." (Oda Nobunaga)

"Be the Hero, save them. Slay the dragon!" (Sigfried)

"Bring peace to your time, so that you and others will not have to worry" (Quetzalcoatl)

"Your Story is not over, you will continue to fight. Save humanity!" They all said simultaniously before he was blinded by another light.

Meanwhile in his hospital room.

"It looks like he is stable now, we don't know what happened and are still waiting on the test results," The doctor said as he stepped out. The team was relieved as Seiji's condition worsened quickly until he had arrested multiple times and there was internal bleeding. He had been in surgery for 6 hours.

"We just got word from command to take a break then hunt for the monster. They gave us 7 hours of rest time." Acid said as she looked at her phone. 

"Well, better make the most of it." Mist disappeared and everyone also left the hospital to go back to their rooms.

7 Hours later

They all woke up and went to check on Seiji before boarding a helicopter and heading to the East China Sea where it was last seen.

For 2 hours they compassed the area looking using all different types of tools and yet couldn't find it, all they could find were trace amounts of its body around areas leading out into the pacific. They notified the US, Japan, and China about their findings before heading back, then they realized one thing. They forgot to get the girl, so they went to pick her up since HQ wanted to observe her as well. After 4 hours and 45 minutes, she arrived at an airport where they went to pick her up and bring her to Seiji's room because they were going to wake him up.

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