New Enemy

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He stared contently as they started the operation, not even a minute later all 5 towers went up in an explosion. Killing more than a thousand people in them. He heard as command centers were in shambles and news stations reporting what had happened.

"As expected" he whispered to himself before turning around and heading back to school. The rest of the day was uneventful but by dinner time a large crowd had gathered in front of the school because of the news. They protested for hours until around 10 at night. "I expected protests but this early? That I wasn't expecting but in the coming days hell will be on earth for a vacation" he thought before drifting off.

The next morning was hectic, people talking about what had happened, and teachers trying to get class running. Overall it was a normal day but the next one was anything but normal. He woke up to the sound of marching, yelling, and things being broken. The looked outside the window and protesters had practically filled the entire school grounds. Some half the student population had joined them too.

"Ah, so yesterday was a day of mourning, makes sense. Such tenacity, that is the power of the people. The governments of the world would do well to stop forgetting that." He thought as he got up, got dressed, took and shower, then activated a teleportation talisman he slid under the couch in the Principals office.

Him suddenly appearing gave her quite the startling but she quickly regained posture and asked why he was here. He simply replied with "I told you so" which sort of aggregated her but she asked again what he was here for.

"They are looking for Japan's protector aren't they?" He asked back only to receive a nod, he then teleported back to him room.
You see, each member of the Death Brigade was famous in their countries. However Seiji's face had never been revealed since he was a minor at the time, so all they could refer to him as Japan's Protector. However, that role had long since been taken over by Jameson so it was up to him now. Seeing as they weren't going to have school today he just decided to go to Tokyo and have a day off there. To no ones surprise protesters were everywhere and from checking the news it looks like there was a giant uprising going on in Japan with a lot of smaller ones all over the world.

"If a _____ were to attack now, it would massacre half the population of Japan" Blaze noted as they walked through the streets, ignoring recruiters from cults. "I forgot you existed, then again the last fight took a lot out from all of you." He replied.
"I can't blame you, we were asleep for a month" Frost chimed as he rounded a corner into an empty alley then jumped up onto a roof. "What do you think is going to happen now, will that asshole show up to appease the masses?" Gust asked.
"Even if he did I doubt he would make things better." Bloom answered while Seiji mentally nodded and hopped from roof to roof.

He then simply hopped down and entered a ramen and sushi shop for lunch, he didn't have breakfast for obvious reasons so he decided to have his favorite foods. He ordered a simple beef and vegetable ramen with 10 random kinds of sushi, he enjoyed his meal, then left to the Imperial Palace. As expected people were crowding around the place like crazy. Signs saying
"Down with the Saviors, and the Valkyries!" "Give us Japan's Protector!" "Terminate them!" Were the most common.

"Sugoi, This has to go on for a mile at least" he observed, then went back to the dorms to do some reading. He didn't really read for that long, he read for like an hour before just giving up and lying on his bed thinking back. Flashbacks going through his mind as he lay there, he couldn't remember much, it was like memories had been removed but he chalked it up to age. Eventually he reached the point where he was having a party with his unit for their first successful mission, they had just defeated their first Type N. Then he snapped out of it and grabbed his phone, turning on the news in Britain. For once he had gotten there at the beginning and Joker, their explosives expert was making a speech on what he thought about the scandal. This was his speech:

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