Lesson Of Loss, A Disappointing Beginning.

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"Hey! Wait up Miku!" A boy said as he chased a girl around.
"Muuuu, your so slow!" She replied, sticking her tongue out at him, before running off.
"Come on slowpoke!" She yelled as she ran into the forest while he struggled to catch up

"Hey where did you go!" He yelled as he tried to find her in the forest.
"AHHH!" He screamed as someone put their hands over his eyes.
"You're such a baby, getting scared like that" a familiar voice said behind him.
"This is a surprise so just walk and I'll lead you!" She said as she pushed him forward.

"This is it!" She said as she let go of his eyes and ran in front of him.
He just stared in shock, in front of him was a decent sized clearing full of all different kinds of flowers, and a pond. Of all the times he went scouting around the place or trapping or training, he had never noticed it.

"I found this the other day when I went to explore!" She said cheerfully as she rolled around in the flowers, the boy merely smiled and lied down near the pond, enjoying the shade of some trees.

He didn't know when he fell asleep but he was woken up very suddenly by a certain someone pushing/ throwing him into the pond.
"AAAAHHHHH!" He screamed as the cold water woke him instantly, he looked around confusedly before realizing where he was and who was giggling.

"MIKUUUUUUUUUU!" He yelled as he got up and chased the laughing girl back to the village.

Once they arrived back he got scolded for getting wet and then they freshened up and got ready for dinner. Dinner consisted of Ramen and other vegetables and meats from the garden and wilds. As they finished up eating a screech rung through the air. He immediately recognized it from TV. "A  _______? Here? Why?" thoughts ran through his head as he gathered everyone and ran.
"Wait, I didn't see Miku with us, she was supposed to have dinner with us tonight, I remember her coming in but where did she go?" He thought as he stopped running and went back.

"MIKU, where are you!" He yelled as he ran back into the house, he found her crying near a wall.
"Miku, come on, we have to go!" He he said softly as to calm her down. They both got up and got out before she realized that she wasn't with her parents and persisted that they go back. So they did, and found her parents running from the huge monster. They reunited and all ran towards the forests, the ________ then brought down a building on them which Seiji managed to avoid by rolling but the rest got cutoff.

"Come on let's go!" Seiji yelled as he reached out his hand which Miku and her family caught after that everything happened in slow motion for him. One moment he was helping them get over and the next he was in the air. When he finally got a hold of him self he looked around and what he saw horrified him. All of them dead, they bodies cut in two, wood, metal and other stuff stabbed into them. Blood slowly trickled out of their cold, motionless bodies. He couldn't remember what really happened after that, he knew his body was moving slowly approaching the monster. His body felt like it was going to burn and perish any second, he walked into the building the monster was next to and took something. He walked out and jumped? He was in the air, and he was falling fast, his hands above him, gripping to something. "A sword?" He thought as the brought it down on the monster, it was literally on fire, flames burning around him as well. What happened next he totally couldn't remember. He woke up in the hospital 5 days later in Sendai.

The next years were hard, he didn't want to be put in foster care and practically demanded military service. He knew all the risks but his now deceased teacher was ex-military and put him through hell before so he knew the risks. He trained hard for the next 3 years passing through all of the standard tests in the first year and a half then he demanded to be a part of the Savior program. At first they laughed but then realized that he did have some potential so tested him anyway, and his compatibility was off the charts. If they didn't know better they would've said he was one of the ______! So for the latter year and a half he trained in the use of his Savior abilities. He was like a prodigy at it, quickly acing the first year curriculum, and passing the 2nd years within months. At age 13 he was given his own unit to exterminate the _____.

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