Crazy Ex Story

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I know we've all heard one before, hell most people have one. I bet you reading have had some crazy ex somewhere. And I don't mean "oh she's crazy because she doesn't want me to hang out with other girls", and this time I don't even mean mentally ill. This guy is just... Cruel.

When I first met him, let's call him Furry Cuck (FC), the teacher assigned us to sit right next to each other. He was one ugly motherfucker. Ladies, you know how sometimes you can almost sense it when someone gross is about to ask you out? I could tell he immediately wanted to do that. He started flirting with me the second we locked eyes. And funny enough, I was dating CB when I met him, but that's besides the point. If you guys want me to tell you the story of CB and I, I can do it in a later part.

So, FC was soft on me from the moment we met. Cool. I'm a fucking dumbass and I actually dumped CB not too long after but it was because I was a fucking middle schooler I wasn't ready to kiss boys yet. I didn't want to so I didn't. We stayed friends and it obviously worked out in the end. It wasn't because of this new guy, because I was not fuckin interested in him in the least. I hated him. One of his favorite things to do was make me mad, because he thought I looked cute when I was mad. Now I'm a short girl so that just pisses me off right away lol. I'm tiny but I'll kill you. Anyway, FC asked me out all the time for months. In fact, for an entire year. There was one day when his friends came up to me and begged me to give him a chance, so I finally did. But then he found out I only said yes because of that, and not because I liked him, so instead of talking about it he purposefully pissed me off and made me so mad I would dump him so he could have the sympathy card. Also a manipulator, don't know how I keep attracting them to me. Later on, I finally said yes to actually giving it a shot one romantic summer night when I was feeling teenagey and lonely and wanted a boyfriend. Dumped him two days later, lol. Then we went back to school, still talked, because even though he was annoying and wouldn't take no for an answer, he was a really funny guy and I loved having him as a friend. When I was in eighth grade, around the same time all this shit was happening with HB, I actually started developing real feelings for him. He would come over to my house all the time, my mom loved him. One day, he came over and we watched Star Wars together (his favorite thing) and I laid my head on his shoulder. That's all it took.

We started dating then, and we continued dating for three fucking years. THREE. FUCKING. YEARS. That's a long time for a 13 year old. Things started off fine. For the first year and half, things were amazing. He loved me and I loved him. We shared our troubled pasts, and his parents were worse than mine. His parents were both addicts , and my dad is too so we could relate to each other. I think things started going south when he kept trying to take things further. Not only that, but he also still purposefully annoyed me because it's cute. It was not cute. It was mental torture. Someone you love just endlessly annoying you on purpose is not cute, it's sadistic. He forced me to watch everything he liked, he forced me to come over to his house all the time and do sexual things. I didn't exactly decline, I was fresh into puberty too man. But he took it too far. He would try to do it in front of our families and he would try to make me do things I wasn't comfortable with at the time, like jerk him off. I was a fourteen year old who had just had her first real kiss, I was not ready for that. The first time he showed me his dick, it was because he kept begging me to let him take it out so I could look at it. I told him at least ten times no I don't wanna see it but he didn't care. When I finally agreed, I started bawling. I don't know why, but it was such a stressful situation. Oh wait duh I know why it's because it wasn't consensual. But that was just the minor leagues baby, ooooh boy let me tell you about my birthdays.

The first birthday FC ruined was my sweet sixteenth. Ain't never gonna get that shit back. So, FC was only nine days older than me. That meant under normal circumstances, he would've gotten his driver's permit first. However, because of some legal issues with his mother, his grandmother and himself had to get a court order to be able to get him his permit while he was under her custody. This drove him fucking crazy. And that's perfectly reasonable, I'm sure it would make anyone upset that something they've been looking forward to for so long was once again squandered by a woman who was supposed to always help him but always seemed to fuck his life up even more. I tried to comfort him in any way that I could. However, he repaid me by telling me that it would be selfish of me to get my permit first. I was like bitch hell no, just cause you're gonna have to wait doesn't mean I have to. Fuck you. So we fought about it. The whole. Day. He threatened to dump me, he insulted me, he yelled at me and basically projected all of his anger towards the situation onto me. And boy, was he angry about it. He would not leave me alone, either. He would keep calling me and texting me even if I didn't answer. He calmed down enough to come see me, bring me flowers, apologize and say happy birthday. As soon as he left, he started it up all over again. It was to the point where he refused to come to my birthday party and instead he called me when it happened and berated me on the phone the entire time. I missed my own birthday party because of him.

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