50 Full Chapter

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Jimin's POV
"Do you guys wanna go to the beach?" I asked. "To see the sunset one last time together?" The nodded. "Yeah let's go" Rm said. We stood up and went to the car.

We arrived at the beach and sat on the sand. The sun was starting to set. The water was calm and the waves were relaxing. I leaned on jungkooks shoulder and closed my eyes. I inhaled and breath, I smelled the salt water from the ocean. It was relaxing.

"I'm going to miss this" suga suddenly said. "Me too" I said others agreed. "I remember when we all first met" jin smiled. "Jimin was this little pip squeak, we were the popular boys. I remember jimin fell down the stairs and I went into eomma Jin mode. I pushed everyone out of the way just to see if he was ok." Jin laughed. I smiled remembering that day.

"We didn't know Jungkook yet. We all graduated a year before jimin, and went into bighit. That's where we met our maknae" Jin looked at jungkook sincerely. The sun was almost set now, and I started getting emotional.

"I hate we won't see each other after this" hobi said his voice breaking. "Yeah" I sniffled. We all stood up getting ready to say our goodbyes. Jin and Namjoon are going to states along with the vhope couple. I don't know where suga is going but he's not staying in Korea. Me and Jungkook are going to Australia.

"I'm going to kiss you guys" I cried as I hugged vhope. "I'll miss you too chim" taehyung cried. "Bye best friend", Hobi cried. "Bye best friend" I sobbed. Everyone hugged them and they left for the airport.

Suga was bye the water looking at the ground. You can hear that he's crying, he has no one anymore. He's going off by himself, to God knows where. Namjin gave us hugs before leaving with vhope to the states.

I ran to yoongi and gave him a hug, I sobbed into his chest. He was the first friend I ever really had. He was the first person to ever understand me. He even produced my first song. "I'll miss you min" he cried. "I'll miss you too yoongs" I cried. He wiped my tears with his thumbs and gave me his gummy smile.

He gave me one last hug before he went to hug Jungkook before he left. I looked at jungkook and smiled. He looked at me with so much love, and gave me his bunny smile.

I went to him and grabbed his hand, I held our hands up to the starey night sky and snapped a picture. "It was asthetic" I giggled. He chuckled and planted a kiss on my lips before we walked off into the night for the last time in Seoul South Korea.

I see the strings that connected us~


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