Chapter 2

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Gaga was starting to feel cold out in the rain, sitting in the wet and muddy grass behind the shack, but she didn’t care. She opened her phone and looked at the picture of her clothes being torn apart and some of her stuff being thrown off the balcony of the apartment she shared with Luc in New York. Then, for the thousandth time that night, she scrolled down to read the accompanying text her boyfriend had left her after their fight.

“Your punishment for leaving town and not telling me. And now you’re making a video and hanging out with that Vampire Diaries guy who looks like Ken from the fucking Barbie collection. I don’t give a fuck what you needed to leave for I need to know everything you’re doing and where you are. YOU’RE MINE!”

She shook every time she read the end of that message. ‘YOU’RE MINE!’ Those words intimidated and terrified her. She didn’t feel like a person with free will anymore, she felt like he owned her. She was like his object. For a “boyfriend” who treated her like dirt he had become so possessive. It made her feel so afraid and trapped in their relationship. Gaga felt like her six years with Luc were wasted on him. She always went back to him, constantly unable to let him go until finally she realized she was nothing to him but a simple commodity, something for him to walk around with, kind of like a celebrity does with a Chihuahua. It was beyond destructive and she knew she couldn’t stay in it, especially on account of her career: her dancers, her extras for her videos, etc. Heartbroken, lonely and afraid, she closed the phone and put her head back between her knees.

She had so much pain inside her she couldn’t handle it any longer. She needed to get it all out. As she exhaled, she let out the most high-pitched cry. But it wasn’t enough; so much was built up inside her she couldn’t help but feel the need to scream. Gaga breathed in and threw her head back against the wall, hitting it violently. She let out all the anger, sadness and all the confusing complex of emotions out of her through the loudest and longest scream her lungs and vocal chords could possibly produce. And just in the middle of it all, she felt someone practically tackle her as she fell over on her side. She was pulled up and held in a tight embrace as she continued to cry. It scared her at first, but then she realized the person wasn’t hurting her. Their arms were warm and safe and their hands gentle. She felt one caress her hair and the other her cheek, wiping the tears away as they fell.

“Shhh. It’s alright Stef. Settle down, deep breaths.” She recognized the voice that was slowly talking to her as she listened to what it said and breathed slowly and deeply. One hand went from her cheeks to her back, slowly rubbing it to calm her down as she lifted up her head to find a pair of blue eyes peering into her green ones. It was him. She couldn’t believe it, it was Taylor. After having felt so lonely, afraid and mixed with tons of different emotions, someone was finally there to comfort her and support her. Immediately she swung her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder, never wanting to let go. She didn’t care if he wasn’t her boyfriend or anything, even if she did have a crush on him. She just needed a friend to be there for her and comfort her when she was broken, and he was that friend. Taylor kept a hand on her back, holding her close, and one still stroking her soaking hair. Her skin was frozen and wet around his neck. He didn’t know where she was supposed to be sleeping that night but he couldn’t just leave her there, he had to get her inside where it was warm. With no other resort he decided to bring her back to his place.

“You’re cold and drenched, you’re gonna get sick. We need to get you inside.” Just as Gaga tried to get up Taylor scooped her up off the floor and carried her all the way back to his trailer as it poured all over them. The weather wasn’t bothering him. What was bothering him was how hurt Gaga was. He felt his heart sink as his dearest friend was crying her heart out and what made him feel worse was that he couldn’t say anything to make her feel better because he didn’t know or understand what she was feeling or what happened to make her feel this way. All he could do was hold her tighter and give her company.

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