Chapter 4

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Peter read the text message from Luc that Gaga forwarded to him and called her immediately in the morning.

Gaga and Taylor awoke in the middle of the cornfield to Gaga’s phone ringing loudly. Her face was still buried in Taylor’s chest, feeling cozy in his sweater. She reached into the pocket of his hoodie and picked up. “Hello?”

“Gaga, listen the flight to New York leaves in two and a half hours so you need to make sure you’re ready by then. Second thing, I got the text from Luc. Listen, I know you’re not gonna like this but I’m gonna need to be around more often.”

 “Peter, no, please I-”

“Stef, you need to let him, at least for now. I want you safe.” Taylor interrupted.

“Taylor’s right. Because of the threat Luc sent you we need to be stricter in terms of security, just as a precaution. I know you like being more independent but it’s my job to make sure your life isn’t in danger. It’s just temporary, just until we know he won’t be threatening you or bothering you anymore.”

Gaga looked down sighed. “Okay.”

“Okay. Just make sure you’re ready to leave in about an hour and a half because it’s a long drive to the airport. I’ll see you then.” He hung up.

Taylor picked up Gaga and spun her around, making her laugh. Then he walked her back to her place and helped her get everything ready on time for her to go. She got dressed and Tara did her makeup while he sat there and talked to her. Finally all of them walked out together and Gaga hugged Taylor while all the bags were being put into the cars. He held her close and kissed her.

“So you’ll call me and we’ll Skype,” she asked him.

“I’ll call you every morning and night if you want,” he answered back. They smiled at each other and he kissed her forehead. “Listen, promise me you’re gonna listen to your security and please be safe in New York.”

The car was ready and it was time for her to go. Gaga sat in the front seat and looked back at her ‘now-boyfriend,’ holding his hand through the window. “I promise! I love you.”

“I love you too,” he answered. Gaga’s window came to a close and the black SUV drove off.


Gaga’s security wasted no time in keeping her on a tight leash. When she saw the barricade of fans on her way out of JFK, she wanted to see them and take pictures with them. But when she went to spend time with them, her security was already trying to keep her at a distance from them. She felt so terrible; her fans knew she never let her security act like that, but she forced herself to listen to them as she promised Taylor. It was just temporary and it was for her safety. She looked at her fans and mouthed the words, “I’m sorry guys. But I love you so much,” and blew them a bunch of kisses. Then she turned to Peter, “Can’t I just talk to them? Please? I love them so much.” He knew she wanted to see them, so he sighed and gave in. “Fine. But I need to be literally right next to you.” Then he walked her to the barricade of fans. “Guys, the only rule is hands behind the barricade alright?” They were a little confused about that, but Gaga reassured them that it was just a temporary safety precaution and that if she could, she would hug them all. After talking to them, she had to figure out how to get her stuff out of her apartment without Luc catching her.

As they drove into the city, Peter told her to make arrangements to stay with her parents until such time as she found another apartment, and that he would go with her to get her stuff. She agreed to the idea and contacted her mom immediately. Cynthia was going to make sure her daughter’s old room was set up so she could stay there while Gaga and her team of security guards went to get her stuff out of the apartment. They weren’t going to let her go inside by herself in case Luc showed up or happened to be in there, so they went into the apartment and helped her pack, always making sure she was within eyesight of at least one guard. Luc wasn’t there, but Gaga knew he would be back shortly so she threw everything into a bunch of bags and they all rushed out and headed for her parents’ place.

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