Chapter 5

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Gaga heard the car engines next to her on the freeway as Taylor’s motorcycle sped past them. She held onto him tight and leaned her head against his back as the wind blew through her long blond hair. In that moment she was so happy to escape the entrapping lifestyle her security was imposing on her. To finally see, smell, taste and feel freedom again meant so much to her, her visor had already begun fogging up from the tears welling up in her eyes. She just let them fall. She needed that moment to cry and let everything out: from her hard times with Luc, to the security measures, to Taylor rescuing her for at least a little while and having given her not only a friend, but another lover since those few days of taping the You & I video.

“Hey! Stef what’s wrong?” Taylor taking notice of her crying took Gaga by surprise. But she could barely answer from how emotional she was. So Taylor reassured her that they could talk when they got to his place.

The ride was a bit over an hour but his bike finally pulled into the driveway of a small white beach shack with green finishing. It wasn’t anything huge, which meant Gaga could hide and also escape from all the luxury that surrounded her each day. He got off and helped her do the same before removing their helmets. Taylor saw her eyes were still full of tears as the helmet rose above her little head. He took it and put both their helmets away. Then he walked with her, his arm wrapped around her small body.

“Hey,” he whispered in her ear. “Why are you crying? What’s wrong?”

Gaga quickly wiped her tears and tried to force a smile. “It’s something stupid don’t worry Taylor.”

He held her tighter, bringing her closer to him. “I highly doubt that. You might think it’s something stupid but it’s serious enough to be making you upset. Don’t be afraid, you know you can tell me anything.”

The tiny singer wraps her arms around her boyfriend’s waist and looks down as she speaks. “Well… it’s just that…he came back.”

“Who came back?”

“Luc.” Her eyes welled with tears again but Taylor wiped them away as they fell and held her chin up, making her look at him as she spoke. “I never told you this story but he came to one of the barricades in New York a few months back. And the last thing he said before security took him away was that I’d never find anyone else. I wouldn’t make any other friends or find someone else to love me and that I’d die an old woman with all my money and fame or something like that. And for the longest time I thought he was right because I haven’t made friends since I became famous. And now I met you and we’ve become so close and you mean so much to me that I’m scared that I might lose you Tay. I don’t want that to happen. I don’t wanna be alone forever.” More tears rushed down her face as she shut her eyes tight, trying to stop her crying.

“You won’t be. You’re kind of like a gypsy. I’m a gypsy too, and we can be anywhere together, or anywhere apart. I promise, whether we’re away for work or not, we’ll always have each other, and we’ll find a way to make it work because I love you so much, and I don’t want to lose you either.”

The words just poured out of his mouth, as did the tears in her eyes. She could see his honesty and sincerity through his facial expression and the way he spoke. At that point she didn’t need anymore convincing. She was loved. She wasn’t going to be alone. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever. That thought made her so happy and relieved, her crying didn’t stop. But only this time, her tears weren’t from fear and sadness, they were from the ultimate joy. The pair held each other close and Gaga couldn’t help but wrap her arms tighter around his neck, making his head lean closer toward her face. Their lips met in a fiery kiss. Taylor deepened the kiss further, and gently placed his tongue between her lips. She parted them and ran her tongue along his as he grabbed her legs to wrap them around him, lifting her up and carrying her to the bedroom, their lips never separating from each other.

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