Chapter 2

175 8 2

Amara Wilson

I hated school. There was no other way to put it, I just hate it. What was I going to do about it? Not shit. Like every other student in their sophomore year, I was just ready to get home.

I had been bamboozled my first year. I was eager to get here and go party every weekend but baby let me tell you... I fell behind in assignments after living my life for one night. Not to mention the endless emotional breakdowns I had. You don't know pain until it's after 8pm, the cafe is closed, you have no snacks and your stomach is touching your back. Be ready to give up and go home just because you're hangry. Yes I said hangry.

Like any other Wednesday, I was fed up and Friday wasn't coming fast enough. Stepping off of the trolleybus, I huff as wait my turn to cross the street. I'm already late and irritable and traffic just won't let up.

Not to mention, I forgot my blue-jean jacket. It's mid October and It's kinda windy. Times like this makes me wish I had a car, not that I can drive anyway.

Finally making it to the opposite side of my dorm on the University of Denver campus ground, I slow my pace to even my breathing before entering my History class.

Opening the door I let in a path of light interrupting my classmates film that was currently showing. Great just great. Everyone peers at me as I try to skate my big self past the projector screen without interrupting more than I have.

The film that was playing was a short film about our orange for a president, 'La Madre Buena'. I remember seeing it once before. In the beginning of the film, a little Latino boy asks his mother for a Donald trump piñata for his birthday. She couldn't understand why he would want such a thing in her house. Although she questioned him she came to the realization of why he wanted it. She even drove out of her way for it.

Why would professor Jackson choose a video with such a controversial topic? I don't know but that question was soon answered. After cutting the lights back on Professor Jackson makes his way to the front of the lecture hall.

"La Madre Buena Is an international award winning short-film..." He starts but is soon interrupted by a certain someone with blue eyes and a European decent. I knew who he was without having to look behind me.

The guy scoffs.

"Would you care to share with us your opinion Mr...." he takes a second to look at the seating chart/roster, " Brown?"

You would think Professor Jackson knew his name by heart but at the same time I understand why he didn't, I would chose to forget about him too.

Picking at my nails I wait to listen to what he has stupid to say today. Jonah Brown. Every Tuesday and Thursday (and I do mean every Tuesday and Thursday) Jonah feels the need to make snark comments during our weekly discussions.

Our discussion can literally be about a box of rocks and he will find something to bitch about. Because of him our discussions turn into debates.

"Before I say what I have to say, let me just say this... freedom of speech." Jonah starts.

Mr. Jackson nods his head gesturing for him to continue.

"Why is it that all of our discussions this week have been about Donald Trump? Does he bother you that much?" Mr. Jackson takes his time to answer Jonah as he passes out packets to the front row who then passes it to the person behind them.

He then simply answers, "Because your next assignment will be about America's beloved president." He completely ignores the jab Jonah took at him.

"Why do you highlight the negativity of our president so much? I mean Jesus Christ, he's your president too." There goes lil' Billy pressing the issue, "He is the reason why our country will have better gun laws."

Fed up with his taunting tone I make a 360 in my seat to get a good look at this guy. His eyes catches mine.

First and foremost his eyes are brown not blue. Second, he's not that bad looking, but he looks like an ass.

"Better?" I ask him.

"Of course, these acts of terrorism are getting out of hand and if people are allowed to carry their own firearms, we wouldn't have to worry about having to wait for police."

"You do realize that if everyone gets to carry that means EVERYONE, right?" I made sure to emphasize everyone meaning the ones doing the terrorizing such as shooting up schools.

"What is it that our president has done that makes you disagree with him so much? Is it the fact that he openly discusses that he doesn't like people like you?" I couldn't quite distinguish if he asked with true confusion or disgust.

Well that statement caused an uproar and I definitely had time today. But before I could light him on fire, my fellow black queens and kings were on him like the white on his ass.

"People like you?" Someone asks just for clarification.

"That's racist!" Another said.

"Mr. Jackson you're just going to let him diss us like that?" A few others asked with more of my brothers and sisters pressing the issue.

"All right settle down now." Mr. Jackson says trying to re-gain control over my classmates.

When everything quieted down I continued my civilized conversation with him.

"Out of all of the things YOUR president has said, you chose to point out the fact that he dehumanizes people of color or people that doesn't look like his orange ass... why didn't you bring up the fact that he openly insults women in general? Or the fact that he tries to control every aspect of a woman life!?" I was getting heated and I felt my words beating at my chest.

"He doesn't give a damn about people that aren't white! Hell the government, this whole damn country has done nothing but dehumanize people that doesn't look like their white leaders!"

I look at him awaiting his response,

"Why do you all make this about race? It's not my fault people don't know how to do better for themselves."

"From the very beginning black people were looked upon as unequal, always had a disadvantage." I look at him waiting for him to say something else but he doesn't, he just stares back at me. Other than the "amen sistas" floating around, the room grows quiet.

Clasping his hands together Mr Jackson addresses the class, "All right now that was a conclusion!" Some of my classmates nod their heads agreeing.

"Did you read your packets?" He asks. A few of my classmates groan.

Picking up my packet I barely gets to glance at it before Mr. Jackson calls my name,

"Ms. Wilson, Mr. Brown, that's right it's a group project and you two are partners."

Ain't this some shit.

That's Jonah Brown and the short clip in the MM.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2020 ⏰

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