03. Grateful

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 Everything suddenly became silent, not even a fly could be heard. It seemed as if some angelical being had suddenly descended from the sky and landed there, in the entrance of Nyx's flat. No one dared to mutter a word...

- NYX AMELIA DE LA CROIX!! WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?! HOW DARE YOU SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR MOTHER?! ANSWER ME, YOUNG LADY!! -and just like that, the deadly silence was finally broken with the roar from Amelia. A roar that made everyone there shiver with a little bit of fear as the mother neared her daughter fuming with rage.

- Mum, chill, I was all the time in my bedroom chilling watching some film... No need to be exaggerated or moody... Jesus... -said Nyx while trying to escape to the left and into the kitchen.

Unfortunately, her mother followed her to the kitchen and began the longest and most serious reprimand in Nyx's life... Starting from: "Young lady, you are in serious trouble... How dare you scare everyone around you..." Until it got to a point where her mother was just accusing the series and the music she was always listening and watching to isolate her daughter from other people.

Her mother wasn't exactly wrong, Nyx uses music as her escape from this cold-hearted world to be able to function... She needs some mental escape from the fast-paced world around her; where everyone doesn't pay any attention if your opinion can be fitted and explained in 140 characters and is presented through an electronic device or even a social media post... Pathetic. In this world, Nyx was the only one who dared to look beyond all social conventions, she didn't care about her make up nor her clothes, she was way more focused on her studies and her career than to be bother by the social pressure of being accepted and even "popular". No, she didn't want to be there, where the world was even cooler and frightening than being at the bottom. If she were to be there, she would have to constantly prove herself to others, something she was used to do from when she was small, when she actually cared to be accepted.

She used to be bullied, therefore she knew better than anyone else that acceptance was only possible if you fitted in the canons of beauty imposed by society and your peers. Being normative was the "trend", and she has always been far from being "normative". Don't get her wrong, she was proud of that, now. After 12 years of her short life being condemn about her looks or how "fat" and "ugly" she was, she started to realize that those feelings weren't really hers, that was what others made her think of herself. And she just started to realize it... It was sad, but at least she had started to change gradually. She became goofier and more open about other things she was ok with before... It was such a great evolution, she couldn't be prouder of herself, and that felt good.

Back to reality, she had to deal with her friends and her mother's reprimands and whining the rest of the night. However, she was internally glad that she had people that cared so deeply for her and her well-being...

Tomorrow morning, she knew that her body will resent all the emotions and all the fright her body has suffered. But right now, she couldn't care less. Her night didn't go as planned, but she was happier she could spend it with the people she truly cared about knowing that the feeling is mutual. 


This is a short update, and I actually planned to describe all the details this chapter could possible have, but I'm currently sick and not in the mood for writing. However, as I stated in the first chapter, I would upload whenever I feel inspired, and today was the day... I hope you are liking the story and hope you enjoy it more towards the end... I'm beginning to enjoy writing this story, probaly will begin introducing some action soon, as I'm already planning something in my head...  

If you have any questions about the plot or the characters themselves, don't be shy and ask, I don't bite! XD ;) 

Also, I would like to thanks all the people that's taking their time to read this novel, I really never thought I would have some reads rather than myself looking for mistakes on my writing or trying to spot misspellings and stuff. If you do notice any of this kind, please let me know. I'm always open to suggestions and ways of improving my linguistic skills in any language I know or I'm learning. 

Thanks and I really appreciate the attention (although scarce, much more than I ever imagined) :)

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