What You Mean To Me

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A/N: You really thought I would leave you hanging like that? Yes you probably do since I do it a lot...but hey! TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY! WHAT?! Yeah here you go...hope you enjoy.

Love Y'all.


I open my eyes and see its just in the room, what happened again?

I sit up and Jon spins around extremely fast, I look into his eyes and he looks shocked and terrified, before I can even ask what had happened Jon talks, well more mumbles.

"Heyyyyy, how are you feeling? Good?ThatsGoodReallyGood"

I frown at him, he looks constipated "Are you alright Jon?"

He swallows and grabs my hand "Um well the thing is...um...you know...well what the Maester...what the Maester said is...well you know how...um you said that...um-"

"Jon if you don't say it, I am going to punch you." I say calmly.

He swallows again and then gives me a small nervous smile "Well he said...that your um...pregnant."

My heart snaps in two. Why? Why is he saying this too me? He promised me he doesn't want children but here he is saying I am pregnant. I feel tears come to my eyes.

"How dare you!" I shout.

He looks look's so confused but I ignore it "You promised me you didn't care if I couldn't have children, yet here you are saying-"

"DANY!" he yells interrupting my rant, I realize I am crying and try and wipe the tears but Jon beats me too it, kneeling in front of me and cupping my face in his hands wiping the tears with his thumbs.

I sob "Why Jon?"

He smiles "You think I am lying, don't you?"

I frown at him and he smiles even more then holds his finger in front of my face "Wait here." He says then stands up and sprints out of the room.

He's back in 10 seconds with Missy and a Maester.

He reaches my side and sits on the bed next to me, the Maester stands in front and Missy is standing next to the bed near me.

Jon grabs my hand and I frown at him. "Your grace after some assessment I can officially confirm that you are pregnant" The Maester says with a smile.

My jaw hits the floor, Jon wasn't lying. The dreams. The sickness. The missing moon blood...but its not possible.

"I am barren its not possible." I state refusing to get my hopes up.

Jon and Missy frown at me and the Maester smiles "I guess you aren't because you are definitely pregnant. Don't worry I won't tell anyone."

I take some time to just process what's happening right now, and it all comes together after a few moments "WHAT?!"

They all laugh, and I frown at them. "What's so funny?" I sneer annoyed they are laughing at me right now.

Jon stops laughing but keeps his smile "That was my reaction."

Jon. I can give him a child. He gave me a child. I can have a child. I can have a child. I decide to ignore the negative thoughts running through my mind telling me to not let my hopes get up too high and that they are all lying.

I jump at Jon wrapping my arms around his neck as I tackle him into the bed, he laughs, and I giggle. I now completely ignore the negative thoughts and decide to enjoy this moment with him.

I hear the door close and I know Missy and the Maester left.

He rolls around and I giggle again at the sound of his laughing. Never could I ever have thought...I am incredibly thankful to whatever gods granted Jon to come back to me, and somehow against all odds give me a child. I swear only Jon would defy a curse.

He stops rolling, placing me under him with a massive smile on both our faces, he leans down to kiss me, but I put a finger over his lips.

"I just need to say...I love you. I know I say it a lot and I also know it sort of loses it meaning the more I say it. But Jon...I...there I are no words I can say to you that will express my feelings towards you. I will always feel this way about you, I know I will, and if we really do get to have a child together, I know he or she will be loved more then anyone else in this world. I also know you will be an amazing father, and I am more then grateful to be able to call you mine, I will never understand how I got you Jon Snow. I love you so much..." I say crying by the end of it, Jon is also crying to my surprise.

He sits up and pulls me with him onto his lap, I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. His hands are on my waist. He leans forward and rests his forehead against mine, his beautiful eyes gazing lovingly into mine.

"Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, The Rightful Queen of the Seven Kingdoms loves me more then words can express and is going to have my child. How THE FUCK did I get here?" he says, and I laugh.

"In all honesty I love you." He grins and I frown.

"After all I just said-"

He interrupts me by kissing me, but its not lust or want, its... its gentle and its beautiful. I embrace his lips and put my fingers through his curls, I love doing that, its feels incredible, and I love the little noise he makes when I do it.

He pulls back and places his forehead against me again. "Is that enough said?" he whispers with a smirk and I can't help but let out a short giggle. I notice I have giggled more in the last day then I ever have in my life.

"Thank you, Jon." I whisper and he opens his mouth to speak but I speak first "Don't you dare say for what. You have given me the chance to have a child, you have given me love, happiness and hope for the future, you make me giggle like the little girl I used to be, you bring out the real me without even trying, so, Thank you." I say and kiss him.

He pulls back and I frown but he has a massive smile on his face, and I can't help but smile as well.

"WE ARE GOING TO BE PARENTS DANNYYY!" he yells and then wheezes into a laugh making me burst out laughing. We are sprawled out on opposite sides of the bed laughing at how stupid Jon Snow is.

But by the Gods do I love him.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed!

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