Chapter 6

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"I won't break Rose, come and lie on me," he insisted, pulling on her arm.

"You've only got your shorts on."

"I got too warm last night."

"Aren't you warm with your t-shirt on?"

"I may be, are you not warm in that nightdress?"

Trying not to get Alec too worked up, Rose let him relieve her of her underwear as she got him out of his shorts, both clinging to each other as waves of pleasure washed over them. They may not have had sex but had come close enough for Alec to fall asleep peacefully, now in his shorts and t-shirt in case something happened to him and they had agreed for the few remaining nights before his hospital visit, that was what they would do.

Even the next morning he didn't complain she was lying across him.

"Rose, wake up."

"What is it? Are you feeling ill?"

"No, I'm fine, in fact I feel better than I have for a while now, certainly before my first attack since being in this town. Maybe all I needed was you to look after me eh?"

"Yeah, how did ya manage without me?" she asked, lifting his t-shirt and kissing his chest.

"Very badly by all accounts. I can go into the office Rose, I'll be fine."

"If I let you go, don't have me bringing you tea all morning then."

"You do know the staff will want a repeat of Friday when we leave?"

"Well, we might have given them something to talk about."

Alec got out of bed, taking his t-shirt off, Rose smiling.

"I know what you're thinking Rose, get your mind out of the gutter."

"Well the last time you said I wouldn't get to see more of you, guess that went sour on you?"

They went to the window once they were dressed and made a show of kissing but the next door neighbour was just going out and saw them. Rose just waved and put her arm back around Alec.

"There was no need for that."

"You won't say that when she tries to get you on your own."

"Rose, she is not a desperate housewife from a Jackie Collins novel."

"How would you know?" she smiled, backing away from the window. "Did your ex used to read them?"

"No, she turned out to be one of them, I have experience."

The four hours went fast, Alec assigning two DC's to go sort out an argument between two neighbours, not where they were staying, thankfully and Rose duly gave Alec a kiss in his office before leaving but the chief almost caught them.

"Ah, I'm glad I caught you both. That footage from yesterday was most strange. What are they up to?"

"Do you want to hand it over to counter-terrorism?" Alec asked.

"They want you to stay there for now and gather more evidence, the people there have already seen the two of you. I trust you have been acting the part?"

"You could say that," Alec replied, glancing at Rose and hoping she wasn't going to say anything.

"Good, does that include within the office?" Elaine smiled.

"Just practising," Rose smiled back.

"Well I'll thank you not to practice in front of the whole office. If you are going to play at being a couple, keep it to outside the station."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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