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Irene's P.O.V

"you pig!" Sohyun hardly shoved me into a wall "how dare you go around showing off you're Jackson's girlfriend like that!?" she rushed her arm horizontally on my neck and pressed hard as I desperately tried to pull it away with the little strength I had left, all her stupid friends standing around us two so I couldn't fight back even if I wanted to.

"I'm not showing anything off" I held my head high and gave her small pushes to back her away a bit, without her friends noticing. The look on her face was fierce but it didn't intimidate me, I wasn't going to get scared by her.

"WHERE IS SHE?!!" this girl whom I've had never talked to suddenly came shouting. As she looked around the place, her gaze fell on mine "YOU!" she ran to me and wrapped her hands around my neck "how did you make him notice you?! did you pay him or did you blackmail him?!!" her grasp around my neck started getting tighter.

"he loves me and I love him" I simply said and her eyes widened.

"HOW DARE YOU!!" her hands pressed hard enough to cut off my oxygen from passing through. Her eyes glowedwith rage in the dark place, my hands barely reaching as I tried to stop her.

With blurry eyesight, I looked everywhere for someone who was willing to save me, but all of them had the same smile on their faces. Psychopaths.


I jumped to sit on my bed gasping for air. Holding my neck as the suffocating feeling was still lingering. My heart was beating out of its cage like crazy.

I started feeling bad and I quickly ran to the toilet as I felt like I was going to throw up.

And that was the case. Everything I had eaten at night when I was woken up by the same dream ran out through my mouth. I went on my knees as I held the lid tightly. My throat was burning and I think my head was already on fire.

Barely being able to walk, I went back to my room crashing into the walls as I wasn't able to hold onto my balance.

Finally, after reaching my bed, I threw myself on it and desperately hugged my knees covering my body with the bed sheet to feel safer... but it was useless.

That moment had been hunting me since it happened and I felt like I couldn't escape from it. It was impossible.

At that moment there was only one person who I needed. I wanted to see him so badly. I missed him so badly, I loved him more than usual in moments like this. I just hoped he could walk in through the door and hug me and not let me go.

"my baby..." this voice was the one I wanted to hear this whole time. It was like a song. The perfect tone...

"Jackson?" I slowly peeked through the sheets and cried when I saw his face "I need you" I reached out my arms to him and he hurriedly pulled my into his embrace. My body was practically sitting on his lap and my arms wrapped around his stomach "I needed you so badly" I rubbed my eyes on his chest and simply stayed into that position.

"I'm here, you're okay now" his big hand caressed my back, all the way to my hair and back down.

His hands were cold compared to my body so his touch on my forehead felt good "fever again?" he was about to move it away but I shook my head, stopping his tracks.

"your hands feel nice" I put it back on my forehead and quickly hugged him again, a bit tighter.

"why are you wearing that then, it's just making you feel hotter" he covered my legs with the bed sheets but pulled up the turtleneck sweater I was wearing, exposing my bare stomach. I quickly stopped his hand "sorry! I thought you were wearing something under" his cheeks blushed.

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