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Narrator's P.O.V

Jackson and Irene made their way to the airport as fast as they could having in mind two things; Mrs. Wang who had been waiting and the fact that everything was happening at their own lunch time.

In reality, no one was going to call their parents and tell them they were missing classes, but for themselves, missing more than they've had already missed during the past weeks meant not getting some content of the degree, which created a big knowledge gap between them and the other students, which could have led to the possibility of not passing the year, and they really didn't want that.

So after being dropped off by a taxi near the entrance, the couple separated hands and went to different locations near the place Jackson had directed his mother to patiently wait in.

Jackson was close to the waiting chairs where many people sat on just to make the search even harder. The whole area was full of heads, noise and shouting from children which only made him stress even more.

On the other hand Irene looked unsure near some expensive airport shops and toilets in case Mrs. Wang needed to go. She really just hoped someone who looked like Jackson appeared right before her eyes as she didn't know what Mrs. Wang was wearing or what she exactly looked like since she had only seen her in a few photos and just to make it even harder, her usual problem had started to kick in too.

After some time, they met together again by the entrance hoping the other brought back good news with them.

"so?" Jackson was the first to ask as his nervousness took over.

"nothing, you?" she asked back but he just closed his eyes and shook his head.

Jackson felt sorry for dragging Irene into this when she could've been eating her long awaited cake. He looked at her and smiled sadly when he saw her still looking around the place.

"I'm sorry for bringing you into this" he placed his hand on her head to pat it.

"you don't have to be sorry, I chose to come" she gave him a little pat on the back and smiled with her eyes.

Jackson was focused on her the whole time, thinking once again if it was possible for a girl better than Irene to exist.

"thank you" he pulled her for a quick hug and noticed something else in exchange, so he put his hands on her shoulder and slightly pushed her back  to see her face.

"what's wrong?" she asked confused.

"are you feeling okay?" he realised Irene was breathing rather heavily.

"yeah I'm fine" she smiled but he didn't buy it.

"don't tell me you didn't take your medication again?" he checked her forehead for any fever.

"I did take it" she defended herself and pouted angrily.

"then why..." he sighed and put his hand on her head "let's go sit for a bit" he smiled a bit and nodded to her. She didn't want to complicate the situation even more by giving Jackson another thing to worry about but she couldn't deny that she wasn't feeling entirely well.

"okay, but I'm feeling just fine so don't worry about me" she advised him rather seriously but he just nodded carelessly not listening to her "hey! I'm being serious" she slapped his arm and furrowed her eyebrows at him.

"yeah and me too. If I hadn't noticed you were feeling bad, you would have kept it to yourself, making it worse for you... LIKE ALWAYS" he said back and flicked her forehead as he remembered all the times this had happened.

"and I don't tell you because you always worry TOO MUCH" she said louder as Jackson was hit by her small fists.

"and I don't tell you because you always worry TOO MUCH" she said louder as Jackson was hit by her small fists

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