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"I mean...she had to have been...right?"

Michelle and David watched their daughter in concern as the girl had managed to free herself from the blankets and paced the room.

"It's the only thing that makes sense," Dani continued to say and stopped in her tracks. "She was his parole officer, meaning that probably gave them an excuse to see each other often. Since she was monitoring him, she knew exactly where he was the night of our attack, but they probably made up the alibi together so that Henry wouldn't get caught...She got defensive really quick when I accused her of being in a relationship and even threatened my family over it.."

Her features fell as she suddenly remembered something else that had happened in the hospital.

"Oh my God...Dad," she said as she looked up to meet his eyes. "Yesterday, after you broke me out of my fight with Ava...she glared at me before she left, and when I turned around to look at you, you looked as if you saw a ghost."

Michelle frowned at that as she turned her head to her husband, who looked down at the table. "David...Baby, are you alright?" she asked while placing a hand on his chest.

David blinked before nodding his head. "It's her," he said while looking up at them, his eyes glazing over in anger. " It's Alice.. Or Ava, or whoever the hell...She was my attacker."

"What?!" Michelle and Dani exclaimed at the same time before the latter shook her head in shock.

"Yikes. Was not expecting that to come out of his mouth," she mumbled, causing Michelle to turn her head to her with a slight glare in her eyes.

"Daniella Janine," the woman said before sighing in annoyance. "Come sit your little butt down."

Dani rolled her eyes but did as told anyway with a small huff.

David shook his head again as he said, "I didn't want to believe it at first...but her eyes...they were the same color as my attacker."

"Are you sure?" Michelle asked while holding his hand for support.

David nodded as he looked at her and said, "Positive...she had the same look of anger in them as she did when she attacked me."

Michelle and Dani frowned at his words, but Dani's frown was for a different reason as she asked, "How is it that you recognized her so easily by her eyes...but Mikey and I both saw her before you did and didn't connect anything?"

David snorted as Michelle held a look of amusement on her face.

Dani tilted her head with furrowed brows. "What?"

"That's because you were too busy wanting to pound her face in," David said while giving the girl a playful look.

"And Mikey was too busy fawning over you to notice," Michelle chimed in before the couple laughed and gave each other a high five.

Another huff left Dani's mouth as she sat back in her chair with her arms folded. "You guys are so lame," she mumbled with a shake of her head as they continued to laugh.

Rolling her eyes at her parents' antics, Dani then frowned as she looked down at the table and thought back to their theory.

If Ava and Alice actually were the same person, and Alice had been in a relationship with Henry...What would be the girl's reason for coming back to StoryBrooke if he was gone? All she'd done since she'd come back was...

"Oh my God," Dani mumbled as her features fell in horror.

Hearing this, her parents immediately stopped laughing and focused their attention back on their daughter.

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