Um...Marry Me?

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10 whole years have passed, 10 beautiful, fun, bright years with Bruce and John living hand in hand. Bruce is 32 now and John 35. They are now the fathers of a beautiful male German shepherd named Damian that is 2 and a gorgeous female Husky named Karla that is 1. Bruce informed Alfred that he is no longer obligated to work for him, and that he could leave, but Alfred insisted that he'd be bored out of his mind if he didn't so he stayed. Bruce officially gifted Alfred his own wing that is close to the fountains and the gardens, so that he may go stargazing whenever he wants. Bruce also introduced the world to John formally, of course a lot of people where mad, untrusting, and skeptical but now John's considered a normal Gotham civilian. He even helps Batman using his Joker persona for good now. John's name was legally changed to John Doe, and he was able to legally change his whole family's name to Doe so they wouldn't have to share the name of John's deadbeat father. Bruce and John have also been able to fully acclimate into the real world, they no longer have PTSD and Bruce is not longer constantly depressed. He smiles more and laughs and for once actually looks forward to the next day. As for John, Bruce was able to figure out what part of the brain triggers schizophrenia, and they where able to successfully operate on that part of the brain and now John is voices free. They both still have meds that they must take, but they are so much better than they were ten years ago, and John hasn't cut since.

It has also been ten whole years since Bruce purchased their wedding rings. It isn't that Bruce forgot he just wanted to do it at a time where they were happy and he wanted to wait until he was a hundred percent sure John had forgotten, and it seemed he had..well that is until he started to hint at wanting to start a family and to get married. So Bruce decided that today was the day..the day he'd ask his favorite clown to take his hand in marriage. One problem. Bruce was so nervous that he didn't know how or what time to do it. He was frantic but tried his best not to let it show throughout the day. He continued to think about it, he thought about doing it when they went to go get dinner, but then he realized that when he proposes he has to do it when there's no one around, where there's just him and John. He knew he'd have to propose somewhere that was special to them, a place that held meaning and that would forever remain in their hearts. That's when he got his idea, but it would have to wait until the next day.


Bruce wakes up and places a soft kiss on John's forehead. John stirs a little but stays in his deep slumber. Bruce get up and gently pulls the cover back on top of his lover. He stands in the doorway and admires his future husband before turning to walk downstairs.

Operation: Marry the Love of His Life is a Go!

John POV
I wake up to the sun piercing it's way into the blackened sheer curtains. I rub my eyes and sit up, stretching my arms to start the process of awakening my entire body. I hear my bones pop, and I begin to slowly slither out of bed. When I finally find the energy to stand, my toes hit the woolly black carpet, and I look around the room. That's when I finally notice that Bruce isn't here with me. I assume he's downstairs cooking breakfast as always, and I slowly but surely, make my way down our long stairwell. When I reach the kitchen Bruce is still no where to be found. I'm met by a load of blueberry pancakes with a notecard carefully placed next to them. I drag myself over, still groggy from my deep sleep.

I lift up the card, lifting it close to my face so my sleepy eyes can fully register the words written. "Hey baby! Good morning! Sorry I couldn't be there to kiss you good morning, or eat with you, but I have something special planned!! So I made you your favorite pancakes and there's chocolate milk in the fridge!! Anyway when your done with breakfast, throw on something casual and meet me by the gardens. See you there!! <3"

I smile at the note, feeling my stomach bubble up in excitement...and hunger. I start eating as fast as I can so I can see my surprise, but I did take my time a little considering chocolate milk hits different when it's 7 in the morning, and it's fresh from the cold fridge. I finish and run upstairs to have a quick shower. After, I quickly do my hair, and throw on a pair of jeans, a green shirt with a killer tie, with a semi nice pair of boots. I slide down the banister and make my way to the gardens. When I arrive I see Alfred standing in the rose beds so I gradually make my way over to him. "Ah good morning John, Master Bruce left this for you." Alfred says handing me another note.

"Hey I know I said I'd be in the gardens, but I had something to do so meet me in the front of the manor!!" I roll my eyes light heartedly. I thank Alfred, give him a quick hug, and make my way to the front of the manor.

When I arrive I see Bruce standing in front of a black limo with purple hydrangeas in his hand. He's look stunning even though he's just wearing jeans, a short sleeved shirt and a pair of boots. I smile and run over to Bruce giving him a big kiss on the lips, wrapping my arms around his neck. He chuckles and gently kisses back. "You smell nice." He mumbles. "So do you." I respond. He pulls away and grabs my hand leading me into the limo. When we get inside it's covered in my favorite colors and beautiful bright lights. Bruce motions for the limo driver to start driving and I just sit back and soak up all that's happening.

"Bruce where-" "shh no questions." He says cutting me off. He takes out a blindfold and begins to place it over my eyes. "Oh...Brucey if you wanted to play all you had to do was say so." I say in a flirty tone, grabbing his crotch. He jumps back, pulling the blindfold away as his cheeks turn deep crimson. "Don't do that John, Jesus." He says in a half serious tone, then resuming with my blindfold. I just chuckle and let him finish. The car ride goes on for another 20 minutes before the driver stops. Bruce then grabs my hand and pulls me out of the car.

I absentmindedly let Bruce pull me into wherever we are, trusting his judgment. We walk for like ten minutes and then go up some stairs. I can tell we're high up and I start to feel uneasy. "Bruce what-" "Turn around." He says cutting me off again. I let his hand go and do as instructed. "Now remove your blindfold." He orders. I reach up and ever so slightly remove the cloth from my eyes. When I do it takes my a moment to adjust my eyes to the room because the room is dimly lit. I look down and the immediately realize where we are. I begin to turn around "Bruce this is.." I'm cut off by Bruce again this time though it's because he's down on one knee....with a ring in his hand. "John this is where it all started, I felt so bad about what I did to you for so long but now I realize I would have never met you otherwise. I've wanted for so long to change my past but now I know that if I were to change it, I would have never meet the love of my life. I wanted to bring you here because it's special to both of us but most importantly I want this place to have a good memory tied to it. I want this to be the place where we start our lives together as husband and husband. We met here oh so long ago, but I wouldn't change a thing if it meant I wouldn't be here today staring at the one I want to be with for the rest of my life. So in short I guess what I mean is will you make me the happiest man in the world and take my hand forever in yours? Will you marry me John?" Bruce finishes looking lovingly into my eyes.

"Of fucking course!!" I say with tears forming in the corners my eyes, Bruce smiles and slides the ring on my finger. I just smile from ear to ear brimming with happiness and excitement for the future. I look Bruce in the eyes and just smile, "I love you so much" I say leaning in and placing a kiss on his lips. Bruce leans in and places his hands on my face pulling me deeper into his lips. "I love you to."

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