The Forest

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I "woke up" as humans would call it (though I guess it would technically be reactivating) in a strange forest. Was I dead? Is this what humans call heaven? I have no way of knowing. I heard a familiar voice groan in pain next to me. I ran over to my pilot to see him unconscious and carry him somewhere more comfortable until he wakes up.

*Time skip 1 hour*

Pilot Lastimosa, the son, not the father (I still can't get over his death), finally wakes up and sees where we are.

(Y/n): BT where are we? BT: That's what I wanted to ask you, pilot. If the explosion killed us, are we now in heaven? (Y/n): No. At least it doesn't look like it. It looks like we're in a forest on earth.

I tries to contact the militia fleet to call for help but I couldn't. We must be in a militia dead space where we can't reach their radios. This was quite normal so I wasn't to worried about this. At least I would be if the dead space seemed to stretch out far beyond my scanning range.

BT: Pilot, I can't seem to reach any militia comms at the moment. I'm open to recommendations on our next move.

(Y/n) seemed to think on this for a moment.

(Y/n): What if we try IMC comms? BT: Are you sure this is a wise move pilot? By contacting the IMC we risk capture or even worse. (Y/n): Well do you have any other ideas, BT? This is all we can do if we don't want to die a slow, painful death out here.

He had a point.

BT: Very well pilot. I will contact IMC radios right now.

But I couldn't contact them either. Now I was starting to grow concerned for our survival. I decided to run scans on how this was possible. I realized that we were in an alternate universe.

BT: Pilot, after running some scans it seems that we are in an alternate universe somehow. This must be why I can't find militia or IMC radios.

I couldn't see (Y/n)'s face behind his helmet, but I could detect his heart rate and blood pressure started rapidly increasing. I could tell he was nervous.

(Y/n): How did this happen? How is this even possible? BT: It must have been the explosion of the fold weapon. The rip in space-time must have sent us here somehow. (Y/n): So it seems the IMC and Militia don't exist here, so we need to find some people willing to help us or a place to stay, so until then we're on our own. BT: It would appear so.

We decided to set up camp for the night. I went out to find some firewood while (Y/n) said he would set up a place to rest. I felt like I wasn't alone, however. I scanned the nearby area and didn't find anybody. I must be malfunctioning somehow. I'll ask (Y/n) to look at it later.

*15 minute time skip*

I soon came back with the firewood and used my flames from the scorch loadout to make the fire. Soon (Y/n) took off his helmet so he could feel more comfortable and quickly fell asleep. I too deactivated for the night and "slept" for a while.

*Slenda's POV* (Finally some creepypasta action)

I was patrolling through the mansion when all of a sudden I felt a disturbance in space and time. I went to check it out, hoping to kill whatever cause this anomaly and what I found was something I did not expect...


*Take 2*

I went to check it out, hoping to kill whatever cause this anomaly and what I found was something I did not expect. It was some kind of huge robot, at least 14 feet tall. Probably a mech. Fortunately it seemed to be deactivated so I didn't have to worry about it. It seemed to be next to a campfire and when I looked around, I saw a human sleeping, probably the robot's pilot, He had his helmet next to him so I could get a good look on his face. He looked to be in his early 20's with (H/L) (H/C) and (S/C). I realized he was actually kinda cute. I blushed a bit after thinking this. I decided to take him back to the mansion and question him on where he came from. I couldn't carry the huge robot and would no doubt be pissed when it realizes it's pilot is gone since he seemed to have an AI when I was stalking him earlier judging by the fact that he could move without his pilot inside of him.

I might now know much of anything about these two but what I did know was that that things were going to get a lot more interesting...

(A/N): Hey everyone. I know you all like the daily updates but don't be expecting them for much longer. I have to finish a Summer Reading Project That I've kinda been procrastinating on and I'm starting high school in a couple weeks so yea that'll kinda get in the way of this book. I'll try to update as often as I can while I still have nothing to do so hopefully I'll have another chapter out for you all later tonight or tomorrow morning. In the mean time if you want to you can follow me on my twitter or add me on xbox if you want to get to know me better. Both are the same as my wattpad username, including the capital letters. Anyway that's enough from me so I'll see you soon in the next chapter. Peace.

Titanfall male reader x fem! creepypastaWhere stories live. Discover now