Pokémon Intermission

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Before you click off this chapter because it doesn't have anything to do with the story, at least hear what I have to say first. I know, I know, it took way too long to release the last chapter, longer than it's ever taken for one, but I really wanted to take my time with it but school was preventing me from doing that. That and getting ready for the holidays with my parents individually was a lot more time consuming than I initially thought it would be as well. Now, onto the reason why I'm doing this chapter.

Recently I've watched a few pokemon youtubers make videos on what the pokemon league would look like if they were the champion, and I'm going to make this one of those things that you would put in a tag book or something. Basically I'm going to describe what my own league would look like, from victory road, the elite four, and my own champion team. This time though, there's a Wattpad twist to it. I'm going to tag 5 people who I know are pokemon fans for them to do it as well. Those I tag will have to do this themselves and post it on their most popular stories, hence why I'm doing it here and not on my randomness book or something. Now let's get into it.

Imagine the scene, You've just beaten the 8th and final gym leader and gotten the gym badge and now you're ready to face the Pokémon League. As you walk out of the building however. There's a strange person waiting for you outside. They have a cloak covering their entire body and their face is hidden under a hood. They speak in a sort of whispering voice so you can't discern whether they are a male or female.

"It seems you have bested all of the gym leaders. I would like to personally congratulate you on your achievement. I have come to give you your ticket for the Pokémon League." Good luck, trainer." They then give you a ticket or sorts with a mysterious insignia on it. You look at the ticket trying to make sense of what it is and ask the figure in front of you, but when you look back up  at them, they're gone. You look back at the ticket again and flip it over to realize it's a plane ticket. You go to the airport and a guard at the security checkpoint asks for your ticket. You give it to him and then the guard looks at you with astonishment. He seems to know where you need to go and offers to escort you, despite that not being his job. You follow him anyways and he leads you to a the runway with a strange looking plane that actually looks more like a spaceship for one with laser cannons on the wings, which form an X formation. The guard tells you to get on the ship and that the auto-pilot features in the ship's computer will take you to your destination. You find that a bit strange, but you don't question it and climb inside.

You put your seatbelt on and the engine starts, making the ship take off. You start ascending at a much faster rate than a normal plane should but it doesn't stop going up and soon you leave the atmosphere and go up onto space. It's then you see a huge sphere in the distance and the ship then flies inside of it. When you get inside, you find that the sphere and more of a giant base, filled to the brim with soldiers clad in strange white armor and wielding strange looking guns. It's then that 2 men in armor come open the ship and help you get out. In case you still haven't guessed yet, my Pokemon league is going to be based off Star Wars. The symbol on the ticket was actually the Imperial logo. This is a franchise that has always been near and dear to me so that's gonna be the theme for this league, and if you disagree with my choice then you can go and jump in the Sarlacc pit.

Anyway back to the story. The armored soldiers, now identified as Stormtroopers, help you out of the now identified X-wing. One of them turns to you and says, "So you're the new challenger huh? Don't really look like much if ya ask me. Eh, whatever you made it this far so I guess that proves your strength or some bullshit like that. Let me heal up your Pokemon for you." He then heals your team. "Anyway the Victory Road section is down that way. Good luck, kid. You'll need it." You follow his directions and head through the door he pointed to. Along the way you need to solve a large variety of different puzzles from mazes, finding out which buttons to press in a specific order to open a door, etc. You even battle some stormtroopers along the way, mostly using steel and fighting types. After what feels like hours you come across a non-hostile stormtrooper who heals up your Pokémon and tells you that the elite four is just past the door at the end of the room and wishes you luck. You walk through the automatic door and you see a man in a blue jacket with his back towards you. You walk up to him and it's none other than Molayne from the Alola elite four. 

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