Vampire for accident

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Two months passed since my first date with Edward and our relationship was perfect, we turned in to the most popular couple at the school and we spent so much time together. He came every night to see me in my room and only left until I fell asleep. Every day was so normal until one night when we were having a romantic and passionate moment, I bit his lip staining mine a little with his blood. That was even more passionate for him so we didn't stop.The next morning, I found myself alone in bed again 'cause he already left. It was Saturday so I went for a run with Alice, we were so good until she tripped down and a car almost ran over her but I pushed her away so the car ran over me. After that, I fainted.I woke up Sunday morning without knowing where I was, so I looked around the room until I realized I was inside a hospital room. Next to me was my sister.

— Stacy, what am I doing here?!

— You don't remember?

— No, where are mom and dad?

— They went for a coffee. I'll call the doctor.

— Wait! why am I here!

— You saved your best friend for a car ran over her, so the car ran over you and then you fainted so Alice brought you here and then she calls us to come. Now wait here, I'll call the doctor.My sister left me for a couple of minutes and then came back with the doctor.

— Hi, I'm Carlisle Cullen. I'm your doctor and the owner of the hospital. How are you feeling now?

— I feel great actually, I just have a little headache.

— That's excellent considering you survived by a miracle. You broke a couple of bones but judging by the x-rays of this morning it seems that they recover at the speed of light. We did to you a couple of surgeries but your bones look like new without nails!

— Jaja, I'm a strong woman, doctor. — said laughing

— Or a supernatural being. — answered him also laughing

— Yeah, I am the Wonder Woman — I said kidding

— So, please rest a little more Wonder Woman. You can leave in the afternoon.

— Thank you. Where's Alice?!

— She's in the waiting room. I'll tell her to come. — said leaving the room.

I came back to my home at 5 P.M o' clock, Alice helped me to walk and once in my bedroom, I took some painkillers before I fell asleep again. The next morning it was so strange, I woke up with a headache again but this time I had also toothache as if my fangs were growing, so I got up quickly to change my clothes and then I went to the dentist. Dr. Cullen told me to rest all week so I didn't go to school today.

Once at the dentist it was even more strange cause I bit the dentist when he was cheeking my teeth and then I drank his blood until he fainted satisfying a strange hungry of blood. I was so scared after I saw the dentist fainted on the floor so I called Alice and then I told her what was going on.

— Alice! Please help me, I just bite my dentist and then I drank his blood until he fainted. I don't know why the hell I did it, Alice! But I don't know what I should do now and I didn't know who else to call.

— You did what?... Don't worry, I will help you. Send me you're location and wait for me, I will be there as soon as possible.

She arrived a couple of minutes later and then she saw me in a weirdo way. I was crying on the floor so scared about myself.

— Calm down Lizzy, you're gonna be okay. I know exactly what's going on.

— What's going on?!

— You are turning into a vampire. We should wait for the dentist awake and so I could compel him to forget all about this. But first I should drink a little of your blood. — said closing to me — Don't worry, it's okay. I won't hurt you, I'll explain to you after this over why I need to drink your blood first.

After what she told me, she just bites me and then we waited until the dentist woke up. Once awake, she compelled him to forget what I did to him and made him go to the hospital excusing the doctors he had cut himself with a knife by accident. After that, she carried me home and took me to my room.

— So, what am I? A monster? A... Vampire?

— Yes, you are. But don't worry, I will help you with all of this.

— How is this possible? Who turned me in this monster?

— I don't know, It couldn't be me. Do you remember if you recently... bit Edward?

— Edward? What he has to do with this? But yeah... actually I bit him the last night before the accident.

— OMG! Is it possible that... No, of course not, what am I thinking?

— Alice, please explain yourself, I don't understand any of this.

— Well... Edward and I... We are half-vampires.

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