3 A.M

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After all that drama finally came the weekend. I was so distant with Jeanne cause I couldn't stop feeling betrayed by her. Edward started calling me every night just to know how am I. He's really concerned about me and Jacob didn't go to school for the rest of the week. There's a rumor that Edward fought with him the other day and so he was so embarrassed to appear. Edward asked me to call him whenever I feel sad and I was forced to accept cause I prefer when he's worry about me than when he's being annoying. 

The Saturday passed so calmed, I did hurry up with my homework and cleaned my room. So I went to sleep earlier when I finished. Everything was good until I had a nightmare. Jacob was there in the woods shining like a sun until Edward appeared creating a darkness atmosphere, then they fought for Jeanne and at the end, they killed each other like beasts while I was screaming "Stop!" but nobody could hear me. I woke up crying and I called Edward immediately, he answered so fast.

― Lizzy what happened? It's 3 A.M! 

― Thank God you're alive, so it was just a nightmare.

― What are you talking about? Are you crying?

― Yeah, it's just... for a moment I thought you were dead.

― But I am honey, I'm a vampire. ― Edward said suddenly lying by my side ― and I will eat you!

I woke up screaming again, this time on the reality OMG! that was just part of the nightmare. I pinched my arm checking that this time I was seriously awake and then called Edward. He answered fast like in my dream.

― Lizzy, it's 3 A.M! What happened? Are you OK?

― No, I'm not. I had an awful nightmare. ― I said crying.

― Oh, tell me more about it. Calm down, honey! It was just a dream, it wasn't real.

― Yeah but it felt so real and you were in that dream.

― What? Did I hurt you in that dream?...

― No, you were dead twice!

― What a crazy dream... Tell me the details.

― Mmm... Do you think you can come?

― Ah... Yeah... Yeah of course. See you in ten.

― Ok, I... I'll let my window open so you can enter.

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