kiibo penis

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Kiibo gets a pp 😳

A/N: Miu is so OOC don't even mention it I KNOW I CAN'T WRITE MEAN CHARACTERS ;_;

Also i know like nothing about masturbation so i hope it's at least to some degree accurate.



It starts below lol->>


When Kiibo got no answer from the currently-blowtorching inventor, he raised his voice a little, poking her on the shoulder. "Hey, Miu?"

Miu jumped and peeled her goggles off from her eyes, blowing the metal dust off her face and looking up, coughing. "Heey, keebs! How's my favourite robot been doing?"

"...I'm the only robot you know."

"Geez, way to be a buzzkill." Miu grumbled. "What is it, anyway?"

Kiibo at least had the dignity to look slightly embarrassed as he leaned forward. Miu, curiosity piqued, shoved her experiment farther down the table with one hand and looked expectantly at him.

"I... uh, well, I have been thinking it over recently, and, I think it was wrong of the Professor to not install me with certain... functions. I've come to you to request if you could possibly do so...?"

"Tch," Miu snickered, "Possibly? I can do this stuff in my sleep. Just what is it that you need? Fuck, I'll have it done in a day or less. No, an HOUR or less."

"Uh.." Kiibo faltered, eyes darting from side to side just to make sure no eavesdroppers were listening to their conversation. "Th- The male sex organ."

Miu balked for a second, before her expression switched from intrigued, to delighted, to a cocky grin. A combination of looks which were never good, not to mention it was Miu...

"Ohh, Kiiboy! Why didn't you tell me so earlier? Oh, and geez, to think I get to help a little virgin lose the rose!!" She wiped away a bit of drool from her mouth. Kiibo was already regretting this. "Anyways, I can whip somethin' up for ya, easy! I've even done it before, had the foresight to sketch out a few prototypes..."

He wasn't sure whether to be flattered or creeped out by that last part, as Miu swept the parts she had been soldering together off the table and leaned over to underneath it, where she fished out a stack of binders.

"Now, it's under K for Kiibo..." The section was almost an inch thick, and as she flicked through it he could see some of the designs. He gulped as he envisioned himself with particle cannons mounted on his shoulders, whatever that vibrating hand function was, and- was that transformers fanart?

"Oops, heh." Miu flicked through faster, throwing some papers into the cabinet in front of her.

"Just about... Hey, here it is! Kiibo > penis."

Kiibo rolled his eyes.

"Ooh, this one's almost perfect!" He braced himself for some kind of tentacle-dildo contraption, and took the paper Miu offered to him. But to his surprise, this one looked... almost normal. As far as he could tell, anyway, from his comparison to the sex ed books in his memory banks. From the amount of notation around the sleek design, this one looked to be the most worked-on by Miu, and as he looked at her face he saw the signature pride she held whenever showing off an experiment.

"Uh, it looks good. Thank you."

"Great! I just gotta take a few measurements, and we'll be good to go! Now take your underwear off."

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