Maki x kokichi - Choking

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A/N: Don't worry kokichi literally has a choking kink in this lmao its consensual

"Nng- Harukawa-san-"

A bead of cold sweat dropped off Ouma's forehead as his legs twitched involuntarily an inch or so off the ground, held there from the neck by none other than Maki Harukawa.

Harukawa's face twisted into a scowl at Ouma's words, which only deepened as she caught the slight desperation in his dark eyes. Pathetic. It almost pained her to see him like this, and yet...

"H..Haruk- HAH-" Ouma's mouth gulped open as Harukawa massaged his Adam's apple with her thumb. As much as she hated to admit it, she relished the choked noises that came squeaking out of his windpipe as she gently squeezed it, and how easy it was to make them.


Gasping to catch a breath, Ouma tried to answer. "Wha- What is i-h-"

His speech broke off with a wheeze as Harukawa shoved a knee between his legs, pressing upwards with a surprising amount of force. Even Harukawa's eyes widened slightly as she realised what she was doing, then narrowed again as she felt something.

"...You're wet." She stated, nose wrinkling in disgust. "That's not a very good look for you."

Ouma's hands twitched on top of hers at his throat, his mouth twisting upward into a grimace. "W-well, s'not s'if I can help ihit!"

She couldn't help but notice his hips grind downwards slightly as the pressure on his windpipe let up, her fingers flexing against his skin. His eyes met hers, tongue darting out to lick his upper lip. Harukawa ignored the thin line of drool the choking had forced out of his mouth and down his chin.

She begrudgingly let him grind his crotch on her leg, fluctuating the pressure on his throat and choosing to attribute most of the grunts and squeaks that escaped him to it. She didn't want to think about what dirty thoughts he must be having right now, the fact that he was actually getting off using her. The idea only made her grip harder until she felt him gasping for air, and looked up to see his face drained of color. His hips bucked and one leg kicked out pathetically, hands scrabbling at his neck.

She kept him there for a moment- no longer than a moment- more before removing her leg, dropping him straight on the floor.

A sharp breath left his body as Ouma landed hard on the ground, and Harukawa felt her body tense to grab him, pick him up. Hold him.
What the hell? She pushed those feelings away, shuddering in repulsion.

Ouma's hands gingerly pressed at his neck.

"This feels like a go-od one, Harukawa-san," Ouma teased. The only thing that gave Harukawa satisfaction was his voice, still breathless and scratchy, and the dark, reddening marks on his neck, fresh like a cattle brand. Ouma massaged his neck, and Harukawa dropped to one knee in front of him; she didn't quite know why, but she batted his hands out of the way, her own aching ones gently raising his chin to inspect the marks. He hummed contemplatively.

"Didn't know you cared, Harukawa-san."

She could feel the pink rise to her cheeks, but took satisfaction in that she probably didn't look as bad as Ouma did right now, who was still completely red in the face, a faint bluish hue still lingering across his nose. His neck seemed fine, nothing that would last, but her treacherous hands lingered on his pale skin.

Tracing his collarbones with one finger, she felt the rise and fall of his chest with each breath that entered and left his body. She noticed her index finger fiddling with the outline of a fading red mark that had been a brilliant hue last week.

Noticing Ouma's grin, she removed her hands, face hot. "...So, you're alright."

"You can give me another one, if you want." Ouma scooted closer to her on the floor, snickering. "You're good at it."

"Like you've had so much experience."

He placed a hand on his heart dramatically. "Oh, Miss Harukawa, you wound me so. How could a face like this-" he motioned to his own- "Be any kind of virgin? Much less lose it to you."

Harukawa noted his continued shortness of breath and closed his lips with a hand, the other stealing upwards to gently feel out his pulse. It was almost back to normal, she registered with a kind of relief. Ouma glanced at her quizzically, to which she avoided his gaze and cast her eyes downwards. She noted, almost unconsciously, the movement of his lips against her thumb.

"Ach-" Harukawa suddenly scoffed, pulling her hand away. "I have better things to do."

"Yeah, right!" Ouma made a face. "Like mack on momota, right? Come on..." He grabbed her arm roughly.

"Mess me up."

A/N: I don't have a choking kink and I basically wrote this as a joke so if you see anything wrong please tell me so I can correct it. Also at the end all I could think of was that one sans x nagito x Nicki minaj rp where sans says "mess me up. Make me your naughty little skeleton" and Nicki walks in so rip

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