Dream of a Vision

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As disappointed as I was with my meeting with Peter Parker and Ned, it made sense considering they weren't even legal adults yet. But I still had a hard time imagining that scrawny fifteen-year-old kid fighting crime.

I didn't bother mentioning any of this to Stephen, as it felt like declaring the obvious. And, much to my annoyance, all of the telepathy I was doing was taking a serious toll on me; I developed a throbbing headache and was having a harder time seeing with my other senses than usual.

Stephen suggested that I took a break; I resisted at first, as I feel like I was just starting to improve with that I wanted to do in the first place. But my migraine was seriously starting to hurt, so I gave up and took a Tylenol and headed for a nap.

I was surprised on how easily I fell asleep; I guess I was more exhausted than I anticipated.

I usually don't dream, so my subconscious was vaguely surprised to find itself back in the entrance to the New York Sanctum. Despite everything looking completely normal, I was extremely on edge. My vision seemed almost dimmed and slanted, like a scene out of a horror movie.

Heart rate picking up, I made my way around the sanctum, my ears straining for any signs of life. A slight rustling sound, like fluttering cloth, made me freeze. "Stephen?" I called uncertainly, silently hoping the sound I heard was from the Cloak of Levitation.


The voice I heard nearly made me jump out of my skin. Startled, I turned and instantly took a step back in alarm. A well-muscled man was approaching me. His supersuit-like attire was a dark evergreen color, and his cape looked like it had a sunset woven into its fabric. His head was lacking any hair and his skin was a dark red, but it was his eyes that startled me the most: they were the most human quality of him. In the middle of his forehead was a glittering stone half the size of my little finger; it was the color of pale amber, and despite this all being a dream (at least, I hoped this was a dream), I could easily feel the power it was resonating.

"Do not be alarmed," the figure said in a soothing voice. I was surprised to hear that his voice had a British accent, as his physique was so far from human. He could clearly sense my unease, as he halted, hovering several feet from the ground.

I felt like asking, "Who are you?" was too clichéd and made me look too accepting of his presence, so I gave him a steady glare.

"I am Vision," said the figure, and my eyes widened with understanding.

"You're the embodiment of the Infinity Stone of Mind," I realized. "Part of the Avengers."

"I am," confirmed Vision, inclining his head in a slight nod.

"Okay, great," I said, my fear simmering down to confusion. "It's really neat to meet you and all, but, um, why are you here in my dream? This is a dream, right? Because I already used up all of my telepathy juice and am in desperate need of a break—"

"Rest assured, this is a dream," Vision assured. "But I am also contacting you with telepathy, but do not worry, as this will take no toll on your body. I am here to speak to you."

Instantly I was on guard again. "Why?" I asked, unable to hide my suspicion.

Vision's placid expression never wavered as he spoke. "I have been sensing your telepathic aura as you spoke to Peter Parker among some of the other Avengers. It has come to my conclusion that I believe that you may have the possible ability to locate the other Infinity Stones."

I blanched. "You want me to find these stones?"

Vision's face was serene as he continued to explain. "You misunderstand me," he said. "I merely believe you can locate them. The task of finding them is in the hands of The Avengers."

"Oh, okay," I said in mock relief, my voice shrill. "I just have to locate freakin' powerful stones located across multiple dimensions in existence. Easy peasy!"

Vision's perfectly calm face was really starting to piss me off. "It may seem like an impossible mission, but Tony Stark and I believe you have the abilities to succeed."

I winced. "You told Tony Stark about me?"

"Indeed I did."

"Oh, lovely!" I exclaimed through gritted teeth. "Now I have one of the top members of The Avengers rooting for me! No pressure, though!"

"Even if you fail us," Vision said calmly, "it will have no affect on anyone. Your assistance is not essential."

I ran a hand down my face. "Why would you even tell me that?" I moaned. "If my help really didn't matter, then why would you ask for my help?"

For the first time, Vision's face looked slightly uncertain. "I said in hopes of consolation," he said. "My apologies if I failed in that."

I sighed. "It's okay. It's just that receiving these abilities is more than I bargained for. I guess I'll do my best, but I can't guarantee anything."

Vision nodded. "I will inform Tony Stark." As he spoke, I could feel myself waking up.

"Right," I muttered weakly to myself.

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