Chapter Nine

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Aaron bounded up to his sister, beaming. He had just returned from patrol and had caught on to a commotion within the clearing. "Hey! I heard the others talking. Is it true? Have they opened their eyes?"

She nodded, looking curiously worried. "Uh, y-yes, they have."

"Well, can I see them?" Aaron pressed. "I want them to meet their uncle!"

"Um, I-I, well, I don't know," Mercy stammered, mumbling incoherently.

Aaron frowned. "Mercy, are you okay? You seem... afraid."

"And where's the father?" Sortita suddenly came up, smiling broadly. "He should be here for this momentous occasion."

No sooner had the spoken than the big gray shepherd came busting into the clearing. "Make way!" he shouted, grinning. "Where are they, Mercy? Let me see them!"

"Uh, Seamus, I don't know if now's a good time," Mercy said. "They're, uh, they're sleeping."

"Nonsense!" Seamus pushed past Mercy, crawling into her den under the bush. Aaron and Sortita crowded behind him, along with the other dogs who were starting to gather as the news spread, but Aaron was slightly concerned. Mercy didn't look as excited as he would've expected her to be. She almost looked sick. Why was she acting so weird?

Suddenly Seamus gave a sharp gasp and jerked back out of the den. His eyes were wide with shock.

Aaron raised an eyebrow. "What's the matter, Seamus? Never seen a puppy before?"

Seamus didn't respond, instead turning to Mercy with anger now joining the shock in his gaze. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Seamus, what's wrong?" Sortita asked, confused.

"Yeah, pups open their eyes, that's a normal thing," Aaron added dryly.

Seamus turned to them aggressively. "Take a look yourself!" he snapped.

"No, Aaron, wait," Mercy begged, but he didn't listen to her, crouching down to peer inside the den. What could possibly--


Four sets of eyes, blinking back at him.

Bright. Clear. Blue.

Icy, icy blue.

Aaron slowly stepped back, speechless. He stared wordlessly at his sister, who was trembling as tears filled her eyes.

"No shepherd has eyes like that," Seamus snarled.

The dogs around became more clamorous as they tried to get through and see the pups, but Aaron didn't move. He could barely fathom what this meant. All he could think of was questions. Who? When? Why?

The babble quickly turned from curious to outraged as the truth began to spread. Suddenly Blizzard and Hyperion were dragging the pups out into the open while Mercy screamed and begged, held back by Dusty and Breeze.

A thundering bark suddenly cut through the chaos. They all turned to see Kestrel, her lip curled. "That's enough!" she shouted. "Merciful Siglitun, calm yourselves! What is going on here?"

"Treachery," Seamus spat. "Mercy had the pups of a Frost Pack dog!"

His words were met with a mix of shock and fury, depending on who had already heard. The noise began to rise again but Kestrel let out another earsplitting bark.

"I said 'be calm' so be calm, or, so help me, I'll make you," she snarled. "If there is an accusation to be made, then we're going to do it properly." She paused, ensuring her words understood. "...And for Siglitun's sake, give the pups to their mother."

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