Chapter Seventeen

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"It's time."

Solstice stood before the pack in the center of the clearing, her face solemn. "We have mourned Kestrel for a week and the Hunter's Moon is tomorrow. Now it's time to decide who will lead us. Any of you who have a dog you would like to nominate, please speak up."

Aaron looked over his assembled packmates, thinking about their character and considering who he would want as a leader. Things had been incredibly tense over the past week, and understandably so, but Aaron inwardly wondered if the pack would ever be able to come to a decision that they all agreed with. Of course, he knew compromises were common when selecting an alpha, but the pack had been so divided lately that he wondered if they could even manage that.

"It goes without saying that we nominate Cameron," Oak said. "He's the hardest-working dog in this pack, and the most loyal."

The pack readily agreed and Cameron dipped his head. "I've served this pack as well as I could my whole life. I'm happy to continue serving if you choose me as your alpha."

"Very good," Solstice said. "Are there any other nominations?"

"I'd like to nominate Dusty," said Hyperion. "He's always put the pack first."

Several dogs voiced their agreement and Dusty accepted the nomination. Aaron supposed he would be a good alpha as well; he'd always been charismatic and had a lot of respect for pack laws. The only thing he feared was how he would treat Mercy and her pups. The pack's attitude toward them had soured immensely since Kestrel's death, and Aaron worried that electing a dog who was so strongly against them would only make things worse.

"One more dog can be nominated," said Solstice. "Would anyone like to do so?"

"I nominate Aaron."

Aaron jolted, surprised. He was even more surprised to see who had said it: Sortita. He stared at her in disbelief and she simply raised an eyebrow at him.

What surprised him the most was how many dogs agreed. "He killed a bear!" Zephyr said with a slight laugh. "There's a dog I wouldn't mind being in charge."

"He's also the dog most sympathetic to those half-breeds," growled Gaia. "Do you really want a dog like that leading?"

Aaron's hackles raised. "Excuse me for not wanting to execute puppies, Gaia," he retorted. "When have I ever been anything other than loyal?"

"If you have such a relaxed attitude towards the ancient laws then you aren't loyal," Blizzard said with an edge to his tone.

Solstice cleared her throat loudly. "You can have this discussion at the time of the election. For now we are just choosing candidates. Do you accept, Aaron?"

Aaron hesitated for a moment. The thought of being alpha genuinely hadn't crossed his mind, but as he thought about it, his confidence began to grow. He could be a leader, and a good one too. He could disprove every dog who doubted his loyalty. "Yes," he declared at last. "I accept."

Solstice bowed her head. "Take this time to consider who you truly want as your alpha. It will be decided tomorrow night."


Storm Pack themselves were hosting that Hunter's Moon, so the story of Kestrel's death was soon explained to each pack as they arrived. As soon as Earth Pack, the final pack, arrived, Solstice presented the candidates, and the packs broke to discuss their options.

Aaron sat with Cameron and Dusty to the side, where they couldn't hear any of the discussion being made about them. Aaron shifted his paws uncertainly. He had to admit, he was somewhat nervous. If his packmates elected him, the entire pack would be his responsibility. Am I truly ready for that?

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