Chapter One

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Aaron looked up at the full moon through the branches of the pine trees, excitement surging in his paws. The pack was walking to Night Pack for the Hunter's Moon and both he and his fellow trainees could hardly contain their eagerness. This was only the second Hunter's Moon for him and his sister, Mercy, and it was still very much a new, exciting experience.

"You're going to love it, Seamus," barked Tara, a Swiss Shepherd only a little bit older than Aaron and Mercy. "It is a little scary at first, though, with all the new dogs and unfamiliar scents."

"I'm not scared of anything!" Seamus replied boastfully. The silver and black Shiloh Shepherd was prancing along confidently, his tail waving in the air. He had been made a trainee just over a week ago, and so this was his first time.

Aaron scowled. "Did we have to bring him?" he muttered to his sister. "I liked the Hunter's Moon because it meant I got to away from Seamus."

Mercy jostled him lightly. "Oh, stop. Seamus isn't that bad."

"He's a pain in the tail is what he is," Aaron grumbled. When Seamus was born, his two littermates had died, which led to his mother being very overprotective and doting towards him. Now he acts like he's Siglitun's gift to the world.

"What's the matter, Aaron?" he now taunted, clearly having overheard. "Scared I'll show you up in front of the other packs?"

Aaron narrowed his eyes. "No. I'm scared Kestrel will get in trouble for bringing a puppy to the hunt."

"Hey!" Seamus growled and looked like he was about to tackle Aaron, but Sortita, Tara's sister, quickly bumped him aside.

"Stop it!" she scolded. "Can't you two knock it off with the bickering for just one night? Keep it up and Kestrel will send you both home."

Aaron huffed and faced forward again. It didn't matter anyway. He wasn't going to let Seamus spoil his night.

The pack crossed over the border where the pine trees thinned out and were replaced by deciduous ones, thick with leaves as spring drew to a close. The sound of voices drifted through the trees, indicating the crowd that had gathered up ahead where the hunt was being formed.

"Well, anyway, Seamus," Tara said, "you should be glad that your first time is at Night Pack, in a forest. Our first Hunt was in Frost Pack, up on top of that mountain." She shuddered. "I'd never felt more exposed. And cold."

Aaron nodded in agreement, but Mercy looked thoughtful. "It wasn't so bad," she said. "You could see the stars so well. It was pretty."

"If you say so," Tara shrugged, "but I'll take a forest any day."

They finally arrived at where the packs were meeting and began to mingle. Night Pack was there, of course, as well as Earth Pack and Wind Pack. Lake Pack and Frost Pack weren't there yet, but from what Aaron had heard, they were always late.

A few trainees from Earth Pack were sitting around and talking, and at the urging of their elders, the Storm Pack trainees joined them. There was a Miniature Schnauzer, a Cairn Terrier, and a Glen of Imaal Terrier.

"Hello!" greeted the Glen. "I'm Serena, and this is Theran and Pepper." She gestured first to the Schnauzer and then to the Cairn. "How're things in Storm Pack?"

"They're good, thanks," Sortita replied cordially. "I'm Sortita, and this is Tara, Mercy, Aaron, and Seamus." She nodded to each dog in turn. "I think I remember seeing you guys last time."

Seamus was staring at the terriers, his eyes wide. "Merciful Hunter Dog," he exclaimed. "You're so small!"

"Seamus!" Mercy gasped. Tara sighed exasperatedly.

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