Chapter 2- Just What We Needed

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I hear the door unlock just as I'm placing our two plates on the dining room table, I've never felt this damn hungry!
"Grubs up!" I yelled through to Alex, sitting at my place at the table. I kept my pregnancy test in the front pocket of my sweater ready to tell him the news.
"Hey babe!" Alex said as he walked towards his chair and sat down "my favourite, smells amazing. Thank you".
I shifted in my seat a little before answering, I feel like a huge big bag of nerves.
"You're welcome sweets, how was work?"
"Good thanks, but I'm exhausted! I couldn't wait to get home".
I just smiled and made a 'hmh' noise to acknowledge what he said. We sat in comfortable silence while we ate our meal, which is nothing out of the ordinary, but today felt different for me. With a mixture of fear and excitement I was amping myself up to tell my boyfriend that we're going to have a baby! 

I stood to clear the cups and plates and placed them on the kitchen counter beside the sink ready to be cleaned. Alex came up behind me and pulled me into a hug.
I spun round in his arms and gave him a quick kiss "there's something I need to tell you" I said, struggling to hide my dopey grin.
"Oh yeah? Good news I hope" Alex raised his eyebrows at me.
"Well I think so" I paused, building up a little bit of courage before I blurted out my news. "I'm pregnant".
"Are you really?" Alex said, not revealing much about how he feels regarding the news. I pulled the pregnancy test out of my pocket and held it up to him, a slight smirk on my face.
"OH MY GOD! BABE!" He beamed and wrapped me up into a big hug.
"Happy then?" I asked.
"More than you'll ever know, this is just the news we needed to make this crappy year better." He smiled at me, tucking a stray hair back behind my ear then planting a kiss on my forehead.
"I love you Alex"
"I love you too, baby".
Alex went upstairs to take a shower and I changed into some comfy pyjamas then made my way downstairs to set up some snacks and a movie for us to watch.
We settled down for the night in front of the TV, I cuddled up close to Alex under the quilt. I can't help but to take a few moments to stare at the man beside me, the father of my baby, the love of my life. This is pure bliss.

The next morning When I woke I felt a little groggy but the morning sickness was staying at bay. Unlike two mornings before, worst "sickness bug" I've ever had in my life! I jumped out of bed and had a quick shower, when I came back into the room I felt Alex's gaze on me. Good god, keep staring! We all know this figure of mine isn't going to last much longer.

I threw on a pair of leggings and one of Alex's sweatshirts. I walked over to the bed and gave Alex a quick kiss and told him breakfast would be ready in about 10 minutes.

I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen, I have a hankering for anything bacon flavoured this morning. Bacon and fried egg sandwiches it is.
Alex came downstairs and we ate breakfast together like usual.
"When's our first appointment at the doctor?"
"This afternoon!" I almost shouted with excitement.
We both just smiled at each other, just in our own little world of happiness.
All that's left is to tell the family. Now this is when I'll need to brace myself.

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