Chapter 3- Just Perfect

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I don't think I've ever been this nervous! I don't even know how far along I am, damn those period stopping contraceptives. We're sat in the doctors office, waiting impatiently I must say, and I can't stop bouncing my leg with anticipation. I can see out the corner of my eye that Alex is occasionally shifting his gaze towards me, I know he's nervous too. All I want is for my little beauty to be healthy.
"Paisley StJames" someone calls my name.
"Yes, I'm here!" I almost jump out of my seat and head straight towards the lady that called my name. Alex followed suit and kept up with my pace.
"I'm Louise, a nurse, I'll be looking after you today miss StJames." We entered a small private room "so do we know how far along you are?" She asked, gesturing for me to take a seat on the paper roll covered bed.
"I have no idea, we only found out yesterday and I made this appointment first thing this morning!" She gives me a small smile, paired with an understanding nod.
The nurse, Louise, asked me a few questions about how I've been feeling generally and blabbered on a little while. I've got too many thoughts and feelings rambling in my brain to fully comprehend what information she's giving me. Hopefully Alex is taking a lot more notice than I am.
After roughly 5 minutes of questions, she tells me to lay down on the bed and asks me to lift up my t-shirt. She squeezes a little cold gel on my stomach and starts to have a little move around with the ultrasound machine.
"It looks like you're already about 10 weeks!" Louise informs me.
"Oh really! That's great" Alex said, maybe a little too excited.
We spend a few moments just watching my little baby on the screen, I already love my girl or boy  beyond words!
I notice Louise hasn't said anything in a few moments and a wave of panic hits me, I look between her, Alex and the screen. She must sense my small freak out because she finally begins to speak again.
"Everything looks just perfect!" I let out a sigh of relief.
"But I have a little information that might come as a shock" she begins to explain "it looks like you're having twins!"
"TWINS?!" Both me and Alex shout towards the poor nurse at the same time. How in the freaking world are we going to handle twins? Lord help me!
"Yes, twins! Double the love, excitement and happiness. You're a lucky couple" Louise smiled at us.
She hit a few buttons on the monitor and excused herself for a moment. Alex and I just sat in a lingering silence, I bet he's just as freaked as I am.

Twins. Jesus A Roosevelt Christ we're having twins! Double the feeds, MIDNIGHT feeds, double nappies, double teething, double crying and tantrums. Double everything that comes along with having one baby! Can we really do this?

The nurse returns and breaks the silence, handing us a photograph each of our babies. Our beautiful babies. She tells us to make our next appointment at the front desk and she'll see us in a few weeks.

We walk to the car and head to my parents house. I'm so scared to tell them, about how they'll react to me being pregnant. I bet Alex would kill to be able to tell his parents he's going to be a daddy, that they're going to be grandparents. It breaks my heart thinking about the fact he can't do that, and I feel super guilty for being so nervous to tell mine that I almost don't even want to. I hope he's okay, but I guess I'll just have to speak to him about it when he wants too. If he wants to. Alex hasn't even spoken about his parents happened.

We pull up outside my parents house and Alex gives me a little pep talk about telling my parents before we go inside.

I press the doorbell and wait. This is it.


I just want to let everyone know I already have some chapters lined up, that's why I'm getting them out quite quick.
I've never written anything before and this is just a little bit of fun.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!

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