(A/N); About this story...

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As I explained in a prior post, I have been busy doing a lot of stuff as of late, which of course meant a wait between chapters. However, another factor is also being into play when it comes to the delays... good ol' writers block. But, this writers block is no ordinary one, no... this stump of mine is actually making it very hard to even string anything together as of late. I've been trying to get out of it, of course, but it's been difficult. Trust me, I want more than anything to keep working on this story, especially because so many seem to enjoy it, but writers block, coupled with dead inspiration, just seem to be kicking my butt as of late. By the looks of things, I might have to end this story on a shorter note than I originally intended, just due to all these things right now. I really don't want to end this story so soon, since there's so much more I want to write into this baby, but the ideas I have just are not flowing into paper, so to speak. So, if any of yall have any questions or concerns, or heck, even things you want to see happen before the story ends, just let me know. After all, I try my best to keep at it for you guys, since this story is for you all. 

Again, sorry for the delays, and I am really trying to break outta this stump. 

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