episode 2

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(Both Ice and Visor ready themselves, Visor takes out a orange gun with a fooken drum mag and behind ices back is a fire dust crystal ready to use as a sword)

Visor: GO (spins the mag)

Gun: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60

Visor stops it and aims only getting a flame sword in his face as Ice spin strikes as he hits the helmet and the kicks him in the chest. Ice then runs on a wall of a building as he gets ready to dodge 60 bullets as Visor pulls the trigger as he leads his shots, surprisingly they all miss.

Visor: (pulls out a teal or cyan or sky blue. Omni don't know what fucking color the diamond full bottle is. Anyway he shakes it and removes the gattling bottle and inserts the new bottle in twisted and everything)

Visor cranks it and then becomes kamen rider build rabbit diamond form.

Visor: (pulls out a drill sword) ok. Let's go (runs on the wall of the Same building as he clashes blades with Ice)

(Ice phones ring and he grabs it and it's his mother)

Ice: mom, now is not the Time. Yes. No not Zepper me and her are best friends. Kamen rider build. Yes glynda's kid. Don't worry (shoulder bashes him) not planning to hold back. (jumps down as he slams the blade down casing a fire glyph summoning flame pillar) Love you too mom. (hangs up) Ok. Let's go (dose some slick sword play and charges at Visor)

Visor being a master at fencing took a fencing position and attacked fast and deadly as of Ice he was master tactician and swordsman going for a defensive position blocking the strikes and counter attacking Visor.

Visor: well I see your skilled in the way of the sword. But the sword is not the only weapon I mastered (back flips and then places the drill and makes it in gun form as he blasts him)

Ice Dodges and then shifts the sword to a bo staff and runs striking Visor good

Visor: ok. I'm Ending this (cranks the lever)

Voltec finish

As for ice. He removed the watch presses the button.


(Both kick but Ice fails getting dehenshined and aura at 0%)

Ice: (breathes heavily) well. (Grabes is watch and gets up.) That's my workout for tonight.

Visor: you have some good potential (dehenshins) might even give you a recommendation in beacon.

Ice: no fucking way.

Visor: yes fucking way

(Both laugh so hard)

Ice: ok. But no uniform. I don't do uniforms

Visor: ok.

Boom two in one. Maybe I can 3 for one.

Anyway be awesome and aware.

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