episode 6 part 1

80 2 13

Same kingdom
7 am
Some place

Visor gets up first as he rolls up the his bed and walks out to get to the locker room to grab his stuff for the initiation

Visor puts the driver on his waist and grabs the rabbit, a brown fullbottle, taka, a purple fullbottle, tank, diamond, gattling and a yellow fullbottle

Visor: this will be good (sees Ice up) hello ice

Ice: hey (grabs random dust crystals) getting ready

Visor: yep. (He shakes the yellow and purple fullbottles and inserts them in)

Ninja! Comic! Best match

Visor: Better get ready. (Cranks it)

Are you ready?

Visor: Henshin

The armor then closes making Visor kamen rider build ninnincomic

Shinobi no Entertainer! NinninComic! Yeahhh!

Visor: better get going.

Zepper: ok. (Is in her wear as she puts her driver on her waist and puts the orange lockseed on it's in the unlock mode)

Riku has his driver on 24/7 so he was ok

James: let's go

Aouthor: Everyone was here so better get some people

???: yo

???2: hello

A Male and female walk to the in. Both of them has blond hair and blue eyes

Luke: umm hi

???: names Justice

???2: I'm Flames

Justice and Flames: we are the Arc twins

Justice the Male was wear armor that made him look like an assassin while Flames had the juggernaut look, while Jast had a dagger that turns into German pistol, Flames had a spiked battering ram that turns into a LMG

Ice: I'm Ice brave.

Visor: Visor goodwitch.

Zepper: I'm Zepper Xiao Long

Riku: Riku

James: James Politan. The one and only

Luke: the first ever half fanus named Luke Ikari.

Justice: awesome

???: Sup losers and I don't mean it in a competitive way.

Another kid with burnt orange hair walks in. His armor design is more like a navy seal he has a dust rifle

???: names Vix Winchester (Scratches the back of his head) and yes my father is a bit of a dick. I'm trying to break free from that chain. I'll be the better Winchester.

Visor: ok.

Vega: everyone in year 1. Please be at the cliff now.

Edit: Vegas's look

Edit: Vegas's look

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