episode 3

183 3 5

Kingdom: patch
Time 7 AM
Location: Zeppers home

Zepper sleeping very quietly tired form studying all night. All was peaceful until her alarm goes off

Zepper: (groans, opens her eyes which becomes red, grabs a sword with a pistol, pulls the golden tab and  back and shoots it) I'm too tired for this fucking shit. (She gets up and mutters swear words as she goes to her bathroom) ok. My hair is messy. (She brushes it) wonder if mom had this problem. Better cut this when I get a chance. If I didn't get that side form my mom.

She then goes to her room to get her outfit on minus her hat. Goes to her kitchen and gets and orange, she the grabs a sword that's orange themed throws it in the air and slashes it cutting it in half. She grabs both halves and then juices them.

Zepper: ok (sips her oj) lockseed check. (She grabs a case and opens it with 5 lock seeds. Orange, bujin orange, pine and both OOOs lockseeds) ok. They're here. (Picks up the tatoba one) father. I hope your ok. Please. I pray to furit jesus for your safety every day. So please come back from your mission so you can see mother again, and fruit jesus. Please keep my father safe. (She places the lockseed in the case and closes it as she then enters her living room. She grabs her scroll and plays a game similar to halo reach)

Time flys as Zepper then finishes her look and gets ready for her Time in beacon.

(Bullhead station 3)

Ice is early as he looks at his watch as it stares back. He then hears something as he Henshins and pulls out a green dust crystal.

Zopp is next as she feels something. She pulls out her driver and inserts the orange lockseed and places it and henshins to gaim.

 She pulls out her driver and inserts the orange lockseed and places it and henshins to gaim

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Ice: you know zeppy. Henshining to gaim is a dead give away to your position. I mean a zipper comes out of nowhere and shoots out a orange.

Zepper: like your Henshin is better ice shot. Total give away when your watch can't shit the fuck up.

Both just laugh and dehenshin

Zepper: anyway. Hows the scar

Ice removes his eyepatch patch as he shows a burn mark that legit weild his eye shut)

Ice: not hurting like hell. That's a plus. (Puts his eyepatch back on and then jumps down to Zepper)

Both do there handshake.

???: ok mom. Hey tell Blake I said hi.

Ice: who are you?

???: names Luke Ikari. Son of decade and scarlet.

Zepper: oh the first half fanus. I'm Zepper Xiao Long.

Ice: Ice brave. At your service.

Luke: nice. But you can also call me (pulls out the game driver places it on his waist and pulls out mighty action x)

Mighty action X

Luke: kamen rider ex-aid. (Places it in as he becomes kamen rider ex-aid level 1)

 (Places it in as he becomes kamen rider ex-aid level 1)

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Ice: well better show my rider form. (Activates his another rider wizard watch and puts it in his chest becoming another rider wizard)

Zepper: (just slams the lock part and then the knife and becomes gaim) kamen rider gaim.

Ice: (with the another rider voice) another wizard.

Someone with a scroll listening to something described as Terry crews meets Mario

???: what. Some people just need a little stupid time

Ice: ok. Who are you.

???: names James. James politan also known as kamen rider mashing chaser.

James pulls out a strange gun that is similar to the lupin gunner but purple

Ice: ok.

(The riders dehenshin)

James politan: so what are we waiting for.

Ice: the other students.

Zepper: well we should get going

The others but Zepper: right.

They get to the bullhead and sit down as James just listens to his song again.

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