Chapter 1

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Your POV (age:10)
Today is my 10th birthday. But since I have no friends. I only have my sister Astrid and our parents to celebrate with. Well I really only have my parents. Astrid is all always with her friends or at least I think they are. She doesn't seem to like them all that much whenever I see her with them.

Now that I think about it isn't that often that I see her with her friends because, I'm not really aloud to leave the house that much. my parents say it's so that no one can find out my secret. I am allowed to go sometimes but whenever I do I have to be back an hour before it even starts to get dark. Even with not being able to go outside that much I still manage to have a decent tan.

Anyway I thought to day was going to be a great day. But what my parents don't know is that today is the day. That I have decided that I would runaway.

I couldn't stand being here in Berk anymore. Being somewhere that I can't be myself or where I only have my parents and no friends not even my sister really. I can't keep putting my parents endanger with my secret Cheif Stoick would probably banish them or me. Who am I kidding he would defenitly banish or kill probably kill me if he found out what I am. I guess I will never get to know.

Now I know what you must be thinking
Y/N. Why in the name of Thor would you run away. Well it's because of my secret. Not even my sister knows what my secret is. The only ones that know my secret is me and my parents.

Before I had left I had written a note.

The note:

Dear, mom and dad
I have decided that I am going to runaway. And that is because I don't want to endanger. You guys anymore with my secret. So therefore I will be stay with Aunt Isabella. If I am to ever come back to Berk I will write you.
Your daughter, Y/N

(May I remind you that at this time Berk is still at war with the dragons. Also Astrid and you are only a year apart.)
Oh no Y/N is running away. While she is escaping Berk will she be caught or not.

And what will your parents think about you running away and on your birthday.

Will they came looking or you. Or will they respect your decision of why you are running away.

Well you'll have to find out in the next chapter.

I hope to see you there my little hatchlings ( that's my name for you all).

Astrid's Sister (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now