Chaper 2

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Your POV(age:10)

As I had put the note that I had written. On my parents desk I hear roaring as well as screaming and yelling. So I'm guessing that there's a dragon attack. It makes me anxious but I guess at the end of the night it actually will help.

I quickly run outside and see dragons and people fighting everywhere. I can see the forest from the house but there are vikings and dragons everywhere. Hopefully I can get to the forest while out being seen.

Without another thought I take a run for the forest. Right as I am about to reach the forest I get pushed down with dirt all into my face. "Oh come on really." I say to no one in particular as I spit dirt out and get up to turn around.

I look to see a gorgeous deadly nadder. "Watch out your majesty" I hear someone say and I look to the nadder. "Who said that d-did you say that" I say. "Yes now go get out of here." After she said that she gets hit by a bola. "Run quickly!"

I don't know why but I listen to her and continue running into the forest. I can still hear the roaring, yelling, and screaming the farther that I get.

I run until I reach an edge of a cliff and what do I do I jump....

Right before I am going to hit the ground. I change into my dragon self.

(Like this but smaller since your only 10 at the moment

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(Like this but smaller since your only 10 at the moment.)

As I glide across the ocean. I can't help but think of what my parents are going to feel like. When they find out that I'm gone.

With that thought I fly into the clouds. On my way to see my aunt in Dragon Mountain.

I know weird right. How an island is called dragon mountain? Well I don't know either I have never been there. Even though that is where I will probably spend the rest of my life, because I don't think that I can ever some back here.

It had taken me a few hours to get to Dragon Mountain. When I had gotten there I landed in the forest and changed into my human self.

I had started to walk out of the forest and into the village to find my aunt. As I was walking through the village I had accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh my I am so so sorry about that ma'am" I say to the women. "No worries dear." The mysterious lady had said.

I had to backed up to get a good look at the lady that stood before me. The woman had short black hair, she was kinda tall, and she was a little bit tan. I had then realized that it was my aunt Isabella.
If you are here reading this thank you so much for putting up with my horrible witing.

Once again thank you so much for reading. Until next time my little hatchlings.

Astrid's Sister (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now