Chapter 3

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Your POV
"Aunt Isabella?" I said to my aunt who was standing before me. "Y/N what are you doing here" my aunt had asked me?

" Well I sourr of ran way from home. I did not want to be a danger to my family anymore. Cause of well... you know." " It's alright sweetie I get it. But do your parents at least know that your here"? She had asked me.

"Well I had written a letter that I was leaving. I did say that I was coming to live here with you. But I know they won't be coming here looking for me. As they never found out that you moved here to Dragon Mountain." I said the last part while scratching the back of my head. "How do they not know that I moved and you did?" She said questioning me.

"Well I never told them because I did not  want them knowing. When you had sent the letter saying that you had moved. I had already decided that I was gonna runaway. What I did was I ripped up the letter and threw it into the ocean." I said quickly.

"Alright then why don't we get you something to eat then shall we. Cause I'm sure you had a long flight here." She said winking the at her last few words. "Yay food I'm starving" I giggled. "Oh I'm sure you are darling probably even hungier than a yak hm." she said playfully

She starts leading me to her place which is now mine to. I guess.

We start walking up to a house which I'm guessing that it's her house. We walk in and the inside of the house was gorgeous. I thought it would have been smaller on the inside. I guess it's just one of those houses that are smaller on the outside and bigger on the inside.

"What do you want to eat my dear" she had asked me. "Hmm how about chicken."I answered. "That sounds amazing. What kind of chicken would you like and what would you like with it." She has said to my answer.

I thought about it for a few minutes before I answered her. "Could you do smoked chicken with rice and gravy" I asked.

" Yes I think I can. Now let me show you to your new room. I know it's not like you were probably hoping for. But, tomorrow we can go out to the market and get you some things to put in you room alright."

"Alright auntie I'm gonna take a nap while you cook cause I'm starting to get tired after my flight." "Alright darling hope you sleep well". With that I walk over to the bed and after getting under the covers. I start to fall into a nice comforting sleep.

A few hours later

I start to wake up from my nap and I can smell the food coming from down stairs. So I get up from the bed and I head down stairs. "Hey auntie is that chicken I smell" I said yawning at the last part while scratching my head.

"Aw well look who's finally awake. Yes that is the chicken you smell it is almost ready. You hungry." "Absolutely I'm starving. The chicken and the gravy smells so good. I can't wait to eat it!" I look through the window and see that the sun is setting.

30 minutes later

"Okay the chick is done so we can now eat. I'll fix your plate and you can go sit down at the table." Aunt Isabella said. "Okay." I said as I went and sat down at the table after getting off of the couch. After a few minutes of waiting Aunt Isabella came to the table with mine and her plates.

I thank her for the food before digging in. "Wow! This chicken taste soo good!" I said after taking a bite of the chicken. "Thank you darling I used a few spices" my aunt said. "Whatever you put on the chick made it taste really good. Whenever I had chicken at Berk (which was quite often) it was always a little bland." I told my aunt. "Ooh the rice and gravy taste good too" I said after trying that as well.

"Thank you darling why don't you go and wash up for bed while I clean this up." She said after seeing that I was finished with my food and that it is now dark outside.

"Okay I will. Thank you again for the food it was really good." I said to her

After that auntie showed me where the bathroom was so that I could wash up. And after I had taken a bath I went to my room and fell asleep.
So what did you guys think of this chapter.

How do y'all like to eat your chicken

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Bye bye for now my little hatchlings.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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