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"i thought you said you came here every thursday." taehyung was currently watching the younger boy, who was the most excited of the four to get on the ice, clutch onto the wall and stand still.

hoseok just shrugged and watched his roommate sway slightly back and forth to the music the dj was playing. "he likes the lights." he said to taehyung.

thursday nights were disco night, the ice skating rink turned into a party with colorful lights turning the room into a moving rainbow with music filling the huge room. jungkook loved it too much to miss a single night.

"i'm going to help yoongi get the food, you drag jungkook off the ice to eat." hoseok said, leaving the side wall to go find his friend.

taehyung just nodded and pushed himself off the wall, he was a decent ice skater, he could keep himself up and go forward, nothing near the talent of those zooming past backwards and forwards and on one foot.

"are you having fun?" his deep voice scared jungkook until he realized who it was, hitting the older boy on the chest. "announce yourself next time." jungkook pouted.

taehyung just chuckled, "next time i will." he said, watching the youngers eyes follow people skating around and bobbing his head gently to the music. "hoseok is getting food, we can do a few laps before eating."

"laps like that." the small boy looked unsure, pointing at one of the girl skaters flying by fast with her hair trailing behind her like a cape.

"fuck no, i cant even do that." taehyung said.

"i'm okay here, im having fun." jungkook nodded, but he seemed to be convincing himself more than trying to do so for the older.

taehyung could tell this was the case, "come on, i went around twice and you barely moved."

"that is not true!" the younger had playfully glared up the brunette boy, and if he wasn't wearing skates he may even have stomped. "i made it to here all the way from the entrance."

that was true. except the entrance was about four strides away from where they currently stood on the ice.

"excuse me." a tug was felt on the back of taehyungs shirt, causing the two friends to look down at a little girl and boy holding onto the wall. "oh, sorry, after you." taehyung slid to the side and grabbed jungkooks elbow to pull him off the wall to let the little kids past. "they're going faster than you kook."

"well you don't have to be a jerk about it." jungkook huffed before shaking the older grip off his arm and turning around to skate away, throwing a glance over his shoulder, "are you coming?"

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