Request Guidelines

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No longer taking new requests.

This chapter will remain uploaded so that future readers will have a clue on the guidelines that shaped this collection. And to honor the comment requests that were left on here.


Dear Ling Ling Wannabes,

As the title of this book suggests, I will be taking requests this time. All the stories that will be part of this book will be dictated by your requests only.

I will be dedicating each story to the person who requested it.

Before making a request, please read this carefully and all the way to the end.


IMPORTANT: This book will consist of one shot stories, unless you request for a two-shot (which will be the absolute limit).


What you're free to do:

1. Give me prompts - Your prompts can be vague or specific.
Example of vague prompt: Brett and Eddy plan their first date.
Example of specific prompt: TwoSetViolin is celebrating 10 million subscribers, but Brett and Eddy's romantic relationship is hanging by a thread. Will they pull through and keep their channel alive?

2. Give me ideas from their videos - Just imagine you've been watching TwoSetViolin videos, and you see a certain moment or hear something that made you fangirl inside. Feel free to ask if I could write a story based on that moment/statement.
Example: Their video "Classical Music and Chill", did Eddy lose a bet and that's why he played the "girlfriend"?
Example 2: In "You Triangle, You Lose", Eddy asked, "Are you even ticklish at all?", write a story where after they film that episode, Eddy tests just how ticklish Brett is. 

3. Give me song inspirations - If you happen to stumble on a song that made you think about our favorite duo of violinists, feel free to suggest the song to me so that I can write something inspired by it.
Example: You're My Best Friend by Queen

4. Give me title requests - If you have an idea, and that idea came with a title, don't be afraid to tell me so. But if you only have a title idea, that's cool too, don't be shy.
Example: Star-crossed Melodies

5. Challenge me with the examples I've given - If any of the above examples I've given happen to spark any form of interest in you, challenge me to write that story.
Example: "Write a story with the example you gave for guideline number 3."


Prompts/Ideas I Welcome with Open Arms:

 - Brett and Eddy meet for the first time. As children, or as adults.

 - Brett and Eddy (awkwardly) acknowledge their feelings for each other.

 - Brett and Eddy try to decide if they should have a relationship beyond friendship.

 - AU where TwoSetViolin does not exist, but Brett and Eddy are still part of each other's lives.

 - AU where only one of them plays the violin. Or where both of them don't play the violin.


Requests I Will NOT Entertain:

a. Death prompts - I will not kill one or both of them, and you cannot make me. Even hinting at death will not happen - don't expect it from me because I will not write that.

b. Break-up prompts - I do not want to even imagine that, so please don't ask for it. Yes, I know they're not actually in a romantic relationship, but please don't make me write something so sad.

c. Cheating prompts - I'd rather choke on rosin than have to write something that makes me sick to my core. I have a passionate hate for cheaters and cheating, so I don't want to taint Breddy with that hate.


Additional guidelines:

**Feel free to specify if you'd like the story to be fluffy, borderline smutty (still unable to write proper smut, please forgive me), angsty, and the such.

**Comment your requests on this chapter only, I will not entertain request comments on the succeeding chapters.

**Feel free to send me a message if you don't want to leave a comment for your request.

**I will message you if I've chosen your request so that we can discuss your request properly. I will not start writing until I'm sure of what it is you want exactly. You are prioritized here, not my writer brain.

**If your request is similar to a story that I've already written, please feel free to message me and ask if I could write out yours as well, with minor changes and certain specifications you'd like.

**If I have any clarifications about your request, I will message you directly. I may have a handful of questions - if you cannot be bothered to answer them, then please consider not requesting. As much as I want to give back, I also wish you could respect my writing process.

**I will limit three requests per person. Please don't try to bargain anymore. This is to accommodate as many people as I can.

**Please please please be patient with me. On top of choosing requests, I will have to discuss with the people whose requests I will choose; after which, I will have a tedious process of writing, editing, proofreading, editing some more and just editing like crazy to make sure I don't publish something poorly written. 

**If you're not a fan of slow, unscheduled uploading, this book may not be for you.


This is a collaborative, and extremely interactive project. It will be very two-sided, and I hope you guys are just as excited as I am ^-^

One shot stories will be up as soon as humanly possible~ <3

While waiting on the succeeding chapters, go have a TwoSetViolin marathon and hype yourselves up :D

I love you all. Looking forward to writing out your requests~ <3

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