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"Welcome back to Hogwarts, everyone." Dippet, the headmaster, beamed at everyone as he rose from his seat. The chattery sound that filled the air started to calm down, and when there was nothing but the sound of school ghosts whooshing around, Dippet continued. "Before the sorting ceremony, this year, I would like to announce something special. Something... honorable." Dippet turned towards seven unfamiliar faces.

"All the wizardry schools around the world had been sharing a tight bond ever since they were created." The headmaster started off. "Once in a long time, the schools select a school to send one student from each school, like an exchange student."

Everyone started to talk excitedly with their fellow students - most of them had never seen other school's students.

"Why are everyone so excited? Is it their first time hearing this?" Lucius Malfoy sighed inside the low whispers.

"I believe it is the first time Professor Dippet is announcing this to us?" Delilah said, rather questioning than shooting back at Malfoy.

"Oh," He chuckled. "My father already told me that months ago. I thought I wasn't the only one knowing it."

"This is not the time to brag about your daddy, Malfoy." November shot back and pointed  Dippet in a small gesture. "We should be quiet."

Dippet slowly placed his finger across his nose and lips, and soon enough the hall fell into silence again. Malfoy was turning red about what November had said, but couldn't interrupt the perfect silence.

"Thank you. As I was saying, the international students will be sorted into Hogwarts house just like any other student in Hogwarts, and will spend a year along with you." Dippet said, and turned towards the unfamiliar people. "Headmasters, if I may?"

The unfamiliar people were seven adults, each sitting next to a student. They all nodded at Dippet's words, and with that Dippet took all seven students near the sorting chair. They stood neatly in line, which seemed like they had practiced already. On the other side of the chair, a young and beautiful professor, Minerva Mcgonagall held a parchment in front of her.

"Béringer, Eloise." She announced, and the first girl in line sat on the chair, obvious that she was nervous. "Student from Beauxbatons Acadamy of Magic."

The hat was put on her silky blonde hair, Eloise's beautiful eyes staying at her hand, which was tightly gripping her robes. After a nervous silence, the Hat screamed "Gryffindor!" Finally, the French girl smiled and rose from her seat, walking towards the celebrating Gryffindor's table.

"Igarshi, Asuka." The professor's voice boomed again in the hall, and the next girl hopped onto the seat. She had long silky hair just like Eloise, but it was deep-black. "Student from Mahautotoro School of Magic."

"That's in Korea, right?" Malfoy said, glancing at November. When she tried to say that there was no wizardry school in Korea, Flint entered the conversation.

"No, it's in Japan, you turkey brain." Flint said, and November couldn't help but choke out a laugh.

"Did you just call -"

"Shh, Lucius, the sorting hat's about to say something." Lucas Flint pointed at the Japanese exchange student with his chin, making fun of Malfoy as he treated him like a baby. Some Slytherins laughed under their breath like November, but immediately stopped when Malfoy shot a look across the table.

"Hufflepuff!" The hat yelled, and the girl rushed towards the table under Yellow and silver flags.

After that was "Johnson, Tisha" from Castelobruxo in central Brazil, who became Ravenclaw.

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