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Avani (Uh-Von-Ee)

I was currently in an expensive car with my new "dad" but he will never replace my real one. *Tik tok voice* Background check! Ok so I use to be extremely overweight until I heard that my friends were talking about me and my size. That day changed everything, I started to throw up cause it was one of the fastest ways to lose weight. I dropped 83 pounds in 2 weeks. My dad came home from work early and caught me throwing up so he sent me to a therapist. She didn't help but I pretended that she did. A few months later I was at one of my gymnastics meets and he wasn't there,  z Ahe always comes to them. I take the bus to the gym and then he comes when it starts. So after the meet I take the bus home and when I opened the door a bunch of stuff was moved around, like someone broke in. I looked around and saw my dad lifeless on the floor with what looked like a bullet lodge in his chest. He died in the hospital durning surgery. The police said that the person who shot him had a motive. Ever since that day I quit gymnastics and fell down a hole of depression, the drugs, all the boys I was messing round with, robbing people, fighting, and just other stuff.

"We here!" He smiled

I rolled my eyes, took my duffle bag and followed him in his house.

"You hungry?" He asked

"Nope just tired." I said

"Really it's only 5, but ok."

He showed me to my room and said goodnight. But I said nothing back. I just stared at the ceiling until I feel asleep.

*Time Skip*

I woke up and saw that the sun just  started to come up. I walked downstairs and decided to go on a walk. But when I opened the door I saw a guy with a white durag and his hand had a bottle of Henny wrapped around it. You've got to be kidding.

"Aye you must be that girl Juice was talking about!" He said walking in pushing me to the side

I rolled my eyes and started walk towards the door again.

"Aye where you going?" Juice said


"Out where? You seeing somebody?" He asked

"No I just wanted to take a walk."

"Oh ok just be back in 10." He said

I nodded my head and left. I always took night walks well technically this is a morning walk but it was still fairly dark. A bunch of those girls would kill to be adopted, let alone by Juice Wrld but the lm there's me who would rather be in and out of the system than having a nice "dad" who would take care of me and spoil me and love me. That's Avani Simms for you. I stoped at this light post and stared at it. I looked at the all the papers on it.

missing dog

Car payments due? Call us at...

Spots available for the Dynamic gymnastics team level 7

I stared at the last one for a minute and decided it was getting too early for me to be out here. So I turned around and went back. When I opened the door I saw Juice smoking a blunt with that guy who I saw before I left.

"What's up Avani?!" Juice yelled

I shrugged my shoulders and went upstairs. I took a shower and changed into some night clothes and while I was looking in my bag I found my old leotard in there and a note tapped to it

Avani I know you no longer compete but I thought you should have this to remember the good times and all the competition last you won in it. Hopefully one day you start competing again or even just doing gymnastics in general. Sincerely Anne

Anne was the only person I liked at the orphanage and it meant a lots that she put this in my bag. I smiled to myself and went to bed

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