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"So...."Ski cheesed

"So, What?"

"You gotta daughter bro!" He said shoving me

"It doesn't feel like it. She doesn't like me, like at all!"

"Just give her a minute this is all new to her."

"I guess but I can tell you one thing I'm going to give my everything well if she lets me." I said rubbing the back of my neck

"But you know you gotta watch out for x he-"

"I know remember when it was Micheals baby cousin's birthday?!"

"Yes nigga. This bitch gon give a two year old a MacBook and a phone dafauq she gon do with that? Eat it? Fuck outta here." I said making the both of us laugh

"That nigga got issues!" He said
"For real, I think I'll tell him about Avani in a week or so?"

"Tell who about me?" Avani asked looking mad and confused

"Uhh my friend." I said nervously

"Why?! You embarrassed or something?" She asked crossing her arms

"No! Definitely not that I'm just scared of the way he'll treat you. I mean he's super nice and all but he..."


"Ok you're basically asking for it I'll introduce him this afternoon." I smirked

"Great." She said sarcastically walking into her room

"You see how she-"

"It takes time!" He said again

"Ugh ok."

*Later that day*


I opened my iPhone 6s and looked at my notifications.
Side 1: When am I seeing you I miss you

Side 2: We still still on for the arcade

Side 3: I wanna fuck!!! Now!!!

Bestie Pooh 💖: Aye you good in your new home frann

Tyler: We haven't talked in a minute let's go somewhere

Let me explain I am in no relationship at all I just fuck and go. Side 1 that's Danny he's the clingy one even after I told him we weren't going to be anything. Side 2 that's Trevon he's the fun one but also a badass we smoke and party together all the time. Side 3 that's Marcus he's the only one out all of them who understands a fuck and go! Now my besti Shannon she's a day 1 and our birthdays are 48 hours apart. And last but not least Tyler, he's my brother not by blood but he takes care of me as if he is. He said when he turned 18 that he's adopt me but, I guess we're too late huh. I texted Marcus cause I was feeling a lil horny.

Me: I'll be over in 10

Marcus: Bet 😈

I turned of my phone and walked down into the living room.

"I'm going to a friends house!" I yelled

"Ok!" He yelled back

I put the walking directions to his house and put in some music for the way.

*At his his house*

"Marcus?!" I asked walking in

"Aye wassuh ma?" He asked kissing my forehead

"Nun much."

"Oh so you just not gon tell me that you got adopted?" He asked looking slightly hurt

"I didn't wanna talk about it." I shrugged


"Cause I just didn't ok?"

"You're cute when you're annoyed."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled a lil bit. He leaned in and kissed me and I kissed back. I pushed him onto the couch and straddled him. He took off my shirt and reconnected our lips. He quickly took off his shirt and hooked his fingers on the rim of my pants and roughly pulled them down. I gasped in shock and took the rest off for him. We switched positions causing him to hover over me and smirk. While doing so he thrusted into me catching me off guard. I finally adjusted to his size and started getting pleasure.

"S-slow d-"

I cut myself off with feeling the pleasure he was giving me.

"But you don't want me to babygirl." He said tilting his head like a puppy

"I'm gonna-"

I came but he kept going. I put my hand on his chest just causing him to go harder.

"Marcus!" I practically yelled

I was a moaning mess. And I'm pretty sure his neighbors heard me. He came inside me but it was okay sense I was on plan B.

"That was probably my favorite time." He said

"Same." I blushed

He gave me one last kiss before getting off me. I got up and headed to his room.

"You mind if I take a shower?!" I yelled

"No!" He yelled back

I grabbed one of his towels and headed into the bathroom.

*30 minutes later*

I walked out of the shower with my long stringy stuck to my shoulders and back. The reason why my hair is short of like a white girls is because I half Indian and Mexican so yeah. When you step out of the bathroom you can see the living room and everything in the living room can see you. And the person who was seeing me was Marcus and some Hispanic guy who had a beard and long hair but shaved around the sides.

"Oh uh hey?" I said confused

"Marcus?!" The guy yelled

"What it was the perfect moment?" He said

I went back into his room and changed into some clothes I left here. He said that I could come here whenever I want. I've known Marcus for 2 years now so you could say I was pretty comfortable around him and the house.

"Alright well I gotta dip. I'll see you later." I said

"Alright bye!" He said

Adopted by Juice WrldWhere stories live. Discover now